Hi, My little girl is 7 months old and she plays away her nap times. She rarely cries but whines and fusses when I leaver her crib side. She plays with her feet or hands, she crawls around, she stands up in the crib, she practices her talking and laughs the time away. So I end up standing over her for two hours wondering how to settle this darling down. We read stories before nap time and dance to some lullabys. She has never been a good sleeper but this is getting out of hand.
Our day looks like this:
7 am - wake up and nurse then breakfast
- activity
9am - stories and dancing for nap time wind down
9:20 - lay her in crib where she happily entertains herself and rarely sleeps. Sometimes she falls asleep around 10:30
11 am - wake up and nurse
12 noon - lunch
- activity
2 pm - stories and dancing for nap time wind down
2:20 - lay her in crib where she happily entertains herself and rarely sleeps.
4 pm - I give up on trying to get her to sleep so I nurse her and we go play
6 pm - dinner
7 pm - bath followed by stories, lullabys and final nursing. She is usually asleep by 7:40 - 8:00