Hi there,
my lo has started to resist the last nap (see routine below) and it's mucking everything up! Because of this, she can't last 'til her usual bedtime, so I fasttrack it (bring it earlier) and she inevitably falls asleep while nursing. Whenever she does this, she will wake 45min later and I finish her feed. Then it can take an hour for her to get to sleep again (she struggles, obviously ot). Then, she wakes at around 6 instead of 7 and the day is out of whack!
What do I do when she resists the last nap? How do I transition to the 2 naps if this is what she is *telling* me she wants? Also, I find when this happens she goes back to 45 min naps for the day with exception of first nap. This then mucks it up even more!
This is her routine *normally* - of course it's all an hour or so out when she wakes early.
7 bf
8.30-10 s
10 solids
11 bf
12.30 - 2 s
2 bf
4 bf (top up here, as I find wo the df she still needs more calories in the day)
4.15 - 5 nap
5 solids
5.30 bath
6.30 bf
7 bed.
with the changes it's more like this.
6.15 wake
7.45-9/9.30 s
9.45 solids
10.30/45 bf
11.30.- 12.30 s
2 bf
215-3 s
4 bf (top up here, as I find wo the df she still needs more calories in the day)
4.15 - 4.45 try to nap but NO GO!
5 solids
5.20 bath
5.45 bf (one side fall asleep)
6.30 rest of bf - straight back to bed
7.30/8 finally asleep