I do swaddle. She definitely needs it. As far as wind-down, my routine is about 10-15 min but often despite what I think are tired/sleepy cues, after I swaddle and sit with her she starts her fussing. Often she starts to act hungry. I try offering her paci as a test so to speak, but she's not a fan regardless of the situation. As far as her activity time being overstimulating, I'm not sure. I typically either walk around and describe things to her or have her look out the window and describe the outside. I also try to do tummytime as much as possible and sometimes put her on her activity mat.
Here is my typical day.
E 7:00-7:15 (lately waking at 6:30)
S 8:15-8:30
E 9:30
S 10:45-11
E 12-12:30
S 1:15-1:30
E 3:00
S 4:15 (almost never happens)
E 5:30-6:00
A Bath
E Often hungry again after bath
S Alseep by 7:30-8pm
At night eats around 12am, 3:30, 5:30 - haven't been doing the DF. Should I be doing a DF?
Also, lately she is taking almost 1hr to eat??? She tends to be either really sleepy during feeds or really fidgety which usually means extra burps. So, I find myself rushing to change her diaper and play with her in some way and start the wind-down so I don't miss her sleep window.
Really need some advice though b/c I feel terrible when she doesn't nap. Often though she is not that fussy right away so should I be so concerned? I usually will end up putting her in her swing and she lasts for a while before crying to eat.
thanks in advance,