Thanks very much for the advice, taygensmom. Milk consumption seems to be better today than yesterday, it does seem to vary. But I still want to ensure that he gets enough for nutrition, so I will be sure to limit the portion sizes.
He never used to be very demanding for food anyway, but he has started crying for his dinner in the afternoon.
I always give his milk first, glad to hear that is a good idea. For info, this is our routine:
5am-6am: wakes up and chats.
7am: Bottle 1
7.30/8am: Breakfast
9am: Nap 1 (30-45 mins on a bad day, 1.5 hrs on a good day)
11am: Bottle 2
11.45am: Lunch
1pm: Nap 2 (30-45 mins on a bad day, 1.5 hrs on a good day)
3pm: Bottle 3 (sometimes this happens at 2.30pm as he is less able to wait than when we first went to a 4 hour routine, especially if he already woke at 1.30pm/2pm)
3.30pm/4pm: Dinner
4.30/5pm: Catnap (30-45 mins; starting to drop this, even if previously woke at 1.30pm)
6.15pm/6.30pm: Bath
7pm: Bottle 4
7.30pm: Bed
Thanks again