Zander sometimes needs to know his mummy's there when he wakes in the morning - I'll usually go to him initially to make sure everything's ok and give him a big cuddle then I tell him 'mummy's here, mummy loves you, but it's sleepy time now, go back to sleep' and I leave. Sometimes he starts up again so I use his baby monitor which has a facility where I can talk through it and I repeat what I said when I left him and he's happy again - sometimes I have to repeat a few times if he starts to get upset again but I really do feel he just needs reassuring that mummy's only down the hall and can hear him if he needs me. How old is your baby, maybe it's related to wanting extra reassurance from that change in his life?
Having said that, if he was waking at 5.30 crying and from naps crying I'd probably be dealing with overtiredness so I'd look at his routine too and perhaps try to get him to bed a little earlier in the evening.
Kelly x