Well, it has been awhile since i logged onto BW since i thought we had things figured out
..but over the last 2wks my 9mo and i have been "butting heads" over his afternoon nap...he just won't settle down anymore!!! he did the same thing around 6mos when he decided that he was too "big" for his catnap so we stopped that but i am having a difficult time coming to terms w/ the fact that he is ready to go to just 1 nap a day!!! not to mention that around the same time he also started waking up at 5:30am...not sure if it is related or not but thought i would throw it in...this is what his routine used to look like:
6-7am wake up
9-9:30 nap (1-1 1/2hr)
1-1:30 2nd nap (1-1 1/2hrs)
7pm bedtime
He hasn't started any new milestones and i don't see any new teeth coming in (he already has 6 so i hope there aren't anymore...at least for now)
...over the last week we haven't gone anywhere b/c i wanted to make sure that i didn't miss his window...but regardless of what i did it would take him over an hour to settle if at all...over the last two days i decided to go for the one nap but he only slept an 1 1/2 (not 3hrs as i expected)..he seemed fine at bedtime but i know he was tired since he had been up for 6+ hours!!
so as you can see i am at a loss..if you all have any suggestions i would GREATLY appreciate them
...thanks fellow mommies!!!