Dear Taygensmom: Thank you for your thoughtful remarks and questions!
If we end a meal early b/c of crying, I generally will re-try the same meal 30 min later if it is not too late in the evening (she may take 1 or 2 more bites only); however, if it is close to bedtime, then she simply goes to bed with only her pm bottle. I don't offer a snack or dessert if she has not had a decent meal b/c I do not want to encourage her fussiness or reward her for refusing dinner. Admittedly, she is a VERY LIGHT eater (always has been) and a very thin child (10th percentile for weight all her life); but even with so little food, she sleeps 12 hours every night (and has since she was 16 weeks old), so I can only assume that she is getting "enough".
Here is her schedule:
7am Wake, 4 oz formula
8:30am Breakfast - cheerios/banana, or 1/4 of a pancake or waffle
9-11am 4-6 oz formula, then Nap
12pm Lunch, offer fruit/veggie/poultry cubes (at school, she will eat 5-6 cubes + some table food; at home she may eat 1 cube + tiny amt of table food)
2pm-4pm 4 oz formula, then Nap
4:30pm small snack (+ 2-4 oz formula if at school)
6pm dinner - i.e. 2 chicken nuggets+2 fruit/veggie cubes+bread or pasta is offered; however eats 20% of this
7:30pm 4 oz formula, then Bedtime
She is currently drinking 15-20 oz of formula per day; I will switch to cows milk when she turns one (this weekend)! Looking at this schedule, I suspect that I should consolodate the formula/milk into fewer bottles (maybe just 3/day - wake, post-lunch, bedtime). Any other thoughts?
Her sleep schedule is definitely more routine and predictable than her eating schedule; thus she is a fantastic sleeper, but a marginal eater.