Mira will be 15 months end of June. She's a good little sleeper, but for the last month, she rarely falls asleep immediately. Now, I know this is normal with some LOs and I've wondered if whether her A time is too short or long before bedtime. Here is her routine :
7.00 Wake
9.20 - 10.00 Nap (40mins max)
1.30-3.00 Nap (Waker her up after 90mins)
7.00 Start bedtime routine
7.30 Lights out.
I try to work on first A time of 2h20m, second A time of 3h30m and last A time of 4h30m.
Sometimes she's quite happy after lights are out at bed, chatting, sometimes quiet for 20-30mins then wakes up and makes some noise but goes back to sleep, other times I have to go in and give her a quick cuddle and put her down - she normally goes to sleep well after that.
But I'm just wondering if it's time to tweak her routine a bit. But I really don't know if she needs more or less A time. She normally takes 30-45 mins before she's asleep. So that would mean she's been awak for 5h-5h15m for her last A time. and the fact that she seems to fall asleep for a bit, then goes all noisy again could mean ... well, I'm not sure if it means she's OT or just not tired enough.
Any thoughts?