Author Topic: Takes a bit of time to fall asleep at night, sometimes happy sometimes crying  (Read 774 times)

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Offline waffler

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Mira will be 15 months end of June. She's a good little sleeper, but for the last month, she rarely falls asleep immediately. Now, I know this is normal with some LOs and I've wondered if whether her A time is too short or long before bedtime. Here is her routine :

7.00 Wake
9.20 - 10.00 Nap (40mins max)
1.30-3.00 Nap (Waker her up after 90mins)
7.00 Start bedtime routine
7.30 Lights out.

I try to work on first A time of 2h20m, second A time of 3h30m and last A time of 4h30m.

Sometimes she's quite happy after lights are out at bed, chatting, sometimes quiet for 20-30mins then wakes up and makes some noise but goes back to sleep, other times I have to go in and give her a quick cuddle and put her down - she normally goes to sleep well after that.

But I'm just wondering if it's time to tweak her routine a bit. But I really don't know if she needs more or less A time. She normally takes 30-45 mins before she's asleep. So that would mean she's been awak for 5h-5h15m for her last A time. and the fact that she seems to fall asleep for a bit, then goes all noisy again could mean ... well, I'm not sure if it means she's OT or just not tired enough.

Any thoughts?

Dad/Husband : Matt
Mum/Wife : (Ali)
Daugher : Mira (28th March 2006)
Daughter : Lara (31 July 2009)

Offline Layla

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is she doing anything else out of sorts like waking up earlier for the day or waking at night at all? Is she falling asleep for her morning nap well? You could try to give her a 30min nap instead and bump up the pm nap to 1ish so that she falls asleep a little fasted at night.

At 15months Isabella was doing 3-3.5hrs A time in the morning (& I used to wake her at 30mins or she wouldn't take a decent pm nap) & 3 hrs in the afternoon & 4hrs before bedtime.

I wouldn't think its because she is UNDERtired because really her A times (when she is on 1 nap) shouldn't really exceed 5.5hrs or she might ger overtired.

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline waffler

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Ironic - tonight she went down without a hitch!

She has no problem going to sleep for both naps, and has to be woken up for both naps. Sometimes she wakes up around 6.45 but this is normally when she takes time to fall asleep the previous night.

I did some things differently today, mostly the lead up to her bedtime. I'll see what happens tomorrow.

I know the next step is to reduce the morning nap... I'll see how the next couple of nights go!

Thanks :)
Dad/Husband : Matt
Mum/Wife : (Ali)
Daugher : Mira (28th March 2006)
Daughter : Lara (31 July 2009)