Well, evenings used to be a really active time for her, so my Dh and I wondered if she was maybe just a night hawk... we had been pu/pd-ing her between 9 and 10 or 11 for a couple of days, but before we started EASY on Saturday, she was always "on fire" at that time, so last night we thought we'd let her get up and see how the evening ran its course. I do think that I should stick it out though, and take your advice. She just went down without a whimper for her morning nap. I can't quite get 2 hours of A time from her yet in the morning (7:15-9:00 today and she was really rubbing her eyes as I put her down)
One other thing... when we started this on Saturday, she usually cried as she was being lain in the crib, or very shortly afterward, and I ended up needing to stay there until she was in a deep sleep. If the chair creaked as I got up, or my knee cracked.... she woudl jolt back awake. NOW I have become a prop, I think, sitting right beside her as she drifts off. i read in the sleep interview with Tracy that I should be trying to leave once she's settled, but at the moment, I'm sure she'll cry more. One time I tried to just sit a little further away and she cried. When we've made SO many changes to Grace's world lately, I'm not sure I want to add the quick escape to our routine just yet. Any advice? Are you able to leave now right after you put your LOs down?