Let me begin by saying that my son has never been a great sleeper, a trait I think he got from me. However, by a year things had improved greatly (thank you baby whisperer books). Then at 18 months, a new sleep problem occurred...unlike anything I had experienced before. About 4 hours into his sleep, my son would start screaming hysterically(not crying or whimpering like before). Even stranger, he still appeared to be alseep. His eyes were closed except for an occasional flutter open. He was absolutely inconsolable. I patted his back, picked him up, walked him around, talked to him sang, offered pacifiers and bottles. Nothing worked and this went on for 10 minutes to an hour. Eventually, he would calm down. After so many nights of this, I called the doctor and the nurse told me that he had night terrors and that it would probably go away with time...not much I could do but be there for him. That is a hard piece of advice for a mom to get...so to all moms who may have dealt with something similar...Any Advice?