LO is 17.5 months old. We've been successfully transitioned to 1 nap since about 15 months old. His routine was :
8:00 wake
12:30/1-3, nap
bed 7:30/8
We even got rid of our NWs! It was bliss for about 6 weeks. However, now things are going wacky again! I'm not sure if it's because he's getting in his last eye tooth, or what (he's always been a horrible teether). Now he rarely sleeps 2 hours for his nap. It's often only 1.5 hours, and today it was 30 minutes! We're also back to having NWs - usually he wakes about 8-9 hours after going to bed. The worst is when he wakes 10 hours later -because then we have no hope of him going back to sleep. Technically, I guess, those are EWs because they happen around 5:45. Sigh.
so, what are we doing wrong? He's usually extra sleepy while teething, but when I put him down earlier for nap he sleeps shorter, and earlier to bed just means he plays in his crib until his usual sleep time (5 hours of A time after waking from nap).
Help! I just started trying to exercise again, and he's totally sabotaging my efforts. I work while he sleeps, so I need to get up early to exercise. But, when he's up at 5:45, I have no hope! And, when he's awake from 4-5:30 (like last night), then there's no way I can drag my butt out of bed at 6:30. Today I decided to sacrifice precious work time during his nap to exercise, and that's when he woke after 30 minutes! There's no way my exercising woke him - I'm in a very different part of the house, and any noise I make is well masked by his white noise. Just very frustrated.