my now 2yo lo is picky. i have read several books, have seen a dietician and have tried to follow all suggestions but nothing is happening. i have been doing this for months. i make all meals from scratch (with exception of fish) and it frustrates me to have him not eat what dh and I eat. i loathe mealtimes now.
this is his repetoire (i find we eat the same thing almost everyday)
breakfast--granola, granola bar, yoghurt, dry cereal (shreddies, nutrios), crisp bread, waffles and sometimes dry blueberries/cherries
snack-fruit (usu banana or apple)
lunch- ham/turkey (deli slices), scrambled egg, sometimes dried corn, toasted whole wheat pita, spelt/flax crackers, unsweetened applesauce, homemade oatmeal and carrot cookie
snack--fruit usu dried cherries or blueberries
supper- fish, hamburger (homemade), chicken fingers (homemade) or some sort of grilled chicken
rice, pita
sometimes peas
bedtime snack-nutrios or shreddies
he won't eat pasta or toast
he won't eat any veggies now (used to eat peas and corn and potatoes and sweet potatoes)
i am trying new foods every meal and day w/o avail..please help.