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Shouts because the meal is over...
« on: July 03, 2007, 08:15:19 am »
My DS is 11 months but he's eating so well (and such a variety of thing) that I decided to put it on the toddler eating board. My "problem" is that no matter how big the meal was is always ends up with my DS shouting that it is over. Likewise with the milk - when the bottle is finished, the shouting gets started (he has over 240 mls in the morning and evening). Once we tried to see how much he can drink but having drunk 300 mls he was still unhappy and fussed a lot. Does anyone have a similar situation? And sorry to mums of picky eaters...

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2007, 08:50:31 am »
Hard for me to comment usefully, but maybe he just likes to vocalise when the meal / drink is finished? Sort of like saying 'I'm finished!!'.

Although, sounds like he is fussing a bit - maybe he gets a little indigestion after each meal / drink? You could try some infant gaviscon (or whatever your doctor / pharmacist) suggests for a few days to rule this out (there is maybe some natural thing you could try instead - not sure, sorry).

I think if it was me, if the meal is 'finished' and he still wants more, offer something else (to increase the variety even more!) that is healthy and let him get on with it. From your avatar, it certainly seems like he is a perfect height / weight ratio.

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2007, 08:50:51 am »
lol, looks like Michal really IS an EXCELLENT eater ;)
can you post your daily feeding routine?
what's his current weight and size?

Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

Offline szaniab

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2007, 14:09:25 pm »
I don't think he's in any pain or discomfort. The shouting for me means "I don't want to end eating!"
My DS is 74 centimeters long and almost 11 kilo heavy. His eating pattern is the following:
around 6 am (used to be 7 but now he wakes early) - 270 mls formula
8.30 - breakfast - cereal with fruit,
12.30 - veggies with meat (different every day - turkey, chicken, lamb, pork, beef)
4.30 - vegetable soup with noodles/egg yolk
7 p.m. - 270 mls formula
each solids meal is followed by finger foods - bits of banana and other fruits/ vegetables (raw), bread or at least corn puffs to ease the pain of an ending meal.
He's quite chubby so I wouldn't like to overfeed him but on the other hand he shouts as if I was letting him starve!

Offline *Mona*

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2007, 20:44:58 pm »
Szania, I say he's not eating frequently enough...
I guess you're trying too stick to 4hrs routine BUT why don't you feed him every 2 hrs or so?
what's your overall routine of the day?
i.e. here's what Maja's eating:
7am 210ml bottle
9am a sandwich or jogurt or fruit mousse
[10am nap]
12 cereal
2:30pm dinner
[3pm nap]
4:30pm sanwich or sth else, not too heavy, fruits
7pm bottle

I really think he should eat more often.

Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

Offline taygensmom

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 03:05:41 am »
My LO also loves to eat, and sometimes gets upset when the meal is over. I have actually found that combining his milk/solids into one "meal" results in less overall intake but a happier baby because he is fuller at that meal and then lasts longer. So his schedule at 11 months was: 7:30 or 8:00 - Breakfast with sippy milk, 12:00 - Lunch with sippy milk, 2:30 - Snack with sippy milk, 6:00 - Supper with sippy of milk. Obviously you would adjust somewhat since your LO wakes earlier and takes a bottle in the early morning (you might even do the bottle right after the meal but only 4 oz. or so at a time), but this general type of schedule may help. He has slowly increased solids and decreased milk so that now he only takes about 16 oz. milk per day, and he is content and happy. You could also add a mid-morning snack if needed. This is also closer to my DH and my eating schedule, which allows us to eat together as a family more.

As far as actual meals, I wonder if providing more finger foods and less pureed foods may be helpful. I am gathering you give pureed and then end with finger foods, but at his age you could switch to an almost entirely finger food diet. If he is actually filling up too fast, his body may be saying he is still hungry even though he does not need any more food. This happens with adults as well, where fast eaters tend to eat more because they don't get the message that they are full until they have eaten too much. If he eats a little slower with the finger foods this may help his "brain catch up to his stomach". Also, you could try switching to a very slow flow nipple to decrease the speed at which he is getting the milk for the same reasons. HTH and keep us updated.

Offline szaniab

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 08:37:02 am »
Thank you taygensmom I'll do try to give finger foods first followed by pured to give him some time to see he's full. The problem with finger foods has been so far however that DS had only 2 teeth so he would stumble and choke on anything but corn puffs. But recently he has  cut 3 front upper teeth so it's time for learn serious chewing.

Majas_mom - I don't think he's eating too little (the amounts per meal seem big to me and DS's nanny too - like a 220 ml jar of pured soup/dinner/cereal with fruit + 1/3 of banana or other finger foods per meal). Maybe you're right he should eat less at each meal but more often. I just tried stick to 5 meals per day (including morning and evening bottles into the count).
Our routine looks now the following (everything is moved earlier because DS has been waking really early recently):
5.30 - 6 wake up
6 - bottle
8.30 - solid breakfast
9.15 - 10 am nap 1 hour
12.30 - solids
1 -1.3 pm nap starts, goes for 1 hour 30 min
4.30 - solids
6.45 - bath, bottle, story
7.15 - bed
7.30 - asleep
How would you then tailor in the additional mealtimes?
Many thanks for advice to you ladies. Best, Anna

Offline *Mona*

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2007, 17:53:16 pm »
hi Anna

that's what I'do do:

5.30 - 6 wake up
6 - bottle
8.00 - solid breakfast
9.15 - 10 am nap 1 hour
solids after nap
12.30 - solids
1 -1.3 pm nap starts, goes for 1 hour 30 min
solids after nap
4.30 - solids
6.45 - bath, bottle, story
7.15 - bed
7.30 - asleep

less at once but more often
what do you think?


Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

Offline Mamalou

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2007, 18:00:14 pm »
you've gotten great advice, almost didn't post,
but just wanted to say, that seems right on Monika-- that's exactly what we're doing with Kubko, it works well.

good luck

Offline szaniab

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Re: Shouts because the meal is over...
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2007, 07:59:23 am »
Thanks for advice. I've started a new eating schedule today. Just hope that more "meals" will not result in more rows when he's done. :-*I'll let you know how it goes. Best, Anna