hi! thanks for replying..yikes.
awake 6ish,breastfed
8.00 play then breakfast,baby porridge,
10.00 play, trying to help her sit up on own
11.oo breastfed
12.30 lunch, breastfed if wont have drink of water
1pm sleep 1-2 hours
3-4 pm offer bottle, not interested yet
5.30 dinnertime eats well
6.30 bath and massage
7 play with dad when he gets home
8pm bed goes down quite easily, breastfed thenput down awake, sing and stay close , sleps within30 mins
11-12 wakes, shh and pat to sleep in cot
1.30 am-2 wakes. breastfeed, sleeps easy
4-5 wakes , shh, pat, sleeps..round 30 mins
6 -6.30 a, wakes breastfeed, pull her into bed for 30 mins/ hour then we get up
2 bottom teeth coming thru so i wonder if thas why she wakes up mewing..
should i be concentrating on getting sleep right first..
i am introducing bottle during afternoon without drastically weaning..
really guessing at everything, but feel i need to educate myself a bit now