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Offline leigh0311

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Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« on: July 09, 2007, 15:52:05 pm »
I am new here, and I really hope someone will have advice that might save us. :)

My 7 month old baby girl has never slept longer than 3 hours since we brought her home from the hospital. Last night, for example, she was up crying 6 times between the hours of 9pm and 5am. She is the happiest, smiliest baby I have ever seen, so that makes it easier. However, Momma is slowly becoming depressed, and our marriage is really suffering.

The details:

She is BF, and we added solids twice a day a month ago at the doctor's request....she had dropped from the 40th percentile to the 25th.
Because of her sleep problems, we insisted on a paci, which she took at about 2 months.
She was in our bed exclusively until about a month ago, when we introdiced the crib. Now, she will fall asleep by herself in her crib @ 9pm.

She just will not STAY asleep.

I am not big on strict schedules (which might be part of the problem, I guess). But typically, she is up by 6, naps about 30 minutes at 9:30, naps again for about 30 minutes at 2, and then goes in her bed around 9 (after a big meal, making certain she is full). Then the fun begins.

She is up 5-6 times crying. I go in, pat her on the back, and give her the paci. She might sleep a few more hours, sometimes just an hour. I usually feed her around 2. Then she is up a few more times until finally we give up and bring her to our bed at 4:30-5.

Again, she is SO happy....even when she wakes up. I would feel worried about her being too tired if she were the slightest bit cranky, but she just isn't.

I know the paci is a problem. Is she waking to be "plugged" back up? It just doesn't make sense to me......I understand that she would want the paci when she wakes up, but why is she waking up SO often??

Any advice would really help, because I am dying here.

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 16:13:17 pm »
I am not an expert but could not read this without posting...

I honestly believe that she is wayyyyyyy over tired.  At that age they shold be sleeping about 12 hours at night with 2 naps in the day of about 1.5 hrs each....

When my LO was that age we followed this schedule:

A - 7am - bottle

E - 8.30 - cereal or toast

s - 10am-11.00 ish

a -

E - 12.30  - bottle/baby fruits etc

s - 2pm

A - 3.30pm

E - 5pm - sweet potatoe veggies, chicken etc

S - 6.30 bottle and in bed by 6.30pm

Maybe you should try to get her on a bit more of a sleep schedule with less time awake as it seems like she is awake for very long periods so I am sure she is overtired which is a classic sign of short naps and night wakings..

I hope this helps and that you are able to get your happy home back.. 

 :-\  :-\  :-\  :-\

Offline leigh0311

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 16:43:54 pm »
Thanks for the reply.....I also think that she MUST be overtired, although wouldn't she also be displaying signs of tiredness (cranky, fussy, etc)?

I wouldn't mind at all if she would forgo the naps and sleep though the night! Is it possible that she just requires less sleep than average? If so, what about all her nighttime wakings??

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2007, 17:10:41 pm »
Even if she needed less sleep than the average she should still be getting more sleep than she does now. 
although wouldn't she also be displaying signs of tiredness (cranky, fussy, etc)?

Imagine what a happy girl she would be if she had a full nights sleep!!!!!!    ;) ;)  She may be one of those people who are just always happy even if they are exhausted!!

I really think that you should at least try to get her to bed earlier.... by 7.30 at the latest even if you don't see her nap schedule changing in the near will need to stick to it for a good few days for her to be able to adjust.

You may have to play around a little and see what works best for her, but from my experience, if we have a bad nap then we compensate on that missed sleep by bringing bedtime forward. 

Sometimes it is so hard tyring to figure our babies out...    ::)  I'm rooting for you as I know it must be a big strain.  :-*

Offline leigh0311

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 17:41:46 pm »
Thanks for the support! Yes, things are currently a sleep-deprived nightmare around my house. :(

I will try putting her down earlier.

But if she continues to wake up every 2 hours, what to do? Do I continue going in and giving her the paci? Should I try to wean her from it altogether?

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2007, 17:58:28 pm »
Hi and welcome to the boards.

I agree with PP.  Your baby is probably really overtired and thus can't settle at night. I would really work on getting her two good naps about 1.5 hours each, maybe a little longer. 
Check out some sample easy routines as they may help you get your day a little more consistant. 
I would work on day sleep as I think it will really help with the nightwakings.  After you get on a good routine there you may need to work on a bit of sleep training. 
Good luck.
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline Layla

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2007, 00:05:51 am »
I agree with everything Jasmynesmum (beautiful name btw ;)) & Myia said. Yes, its true that some babies need less than av sleep, your baby is getting way less than av less (usually its a few hrs over or under the av hrs they talk about when comparing).

I would try something like this:

7am - wake
9.30 - morning nap (could be 1-1.5hrs)
11am - wake
2pm - afternoon nap
3.30 - nap ends
6.30ish - bedtime

The morning A time is usually less than others but otherwise try & extend the naps so that they are at least 1hr long for the morning & 1.5hrs in the afternoon & definitely do an earlier bedtime. A 30min nap is not really a nap actually. Its just enough to take the edge of but not enough for your baby to be awake for the next 3 hrs. I totally agree that good day naps = good night sleep. I must admit though that at the start I also thought that the less Isabella sleeps during the day the better it will be for her night (becuase she will be more tired). Not until I looked into it a little more & actually worked on her day sleep did her nights improve.

As for the dummy, I would ditch it at the same time. Do shh/pat or pu/pd to get your baby to take longer naps or for nightwakings.

Have a look at the pu/pd board for more info.

Good luck & let us know how you go
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 00:14:43 am by Isabella&Jasmine's mum »

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 16:04:00 pm »
I agree with everything Jasmynesmum (beautiful name btw ;))
hee hee thanks!!   :P :P

Offline Layla

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2007, 02:37:06 am »
how are you doing?

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Offline leigh0311

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2007, 18:56:40 pm »
Well, last night she went down at 7:30 and slept until midnight. Hubbie went in, patted, and handed her the paci. She put it in and went right back to sleep. She slept until 3!!!! I fed her, and she slept until 5:30, we soothed her without picking her up, and then she got up at 7:15. Is 3 times at night pretty average, do you think? Should I just be happy with this?

Offline cutebutsneaky

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2007, 20:04:59 pm »
wicked! just to say your not alone!!
i am kinda in the same position as you..and have sorted naps out during the day, now working on shh pat on the night wakings as well as feeding at 2/4am waking
if its any help at all, realise they are only doing what you have set them up to do.winging it as a parent is one thing when your new at it like me, but i had this realisation..if i dont instigate some healthy routine, she'll just keep going until she gets cranky..its up to us to gauge and guide huh.
great you got lil one out of your bed!!!!!!  and good a zombie but we have to dig deep!!!

Offline Danielle K

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2007, 14:00:02 pm »
Hey Leigh -
That sounds like a great night to me. Having her go without a feed until 3 is terrific.  I wish I could get my little guy to do that:)  It sounds like progress it will take time I guess to get on track...I am working on the same thing.
Were you able to sleep in between?  Have you tried the Dream Feed? I am hesitant to as I don't want to risk waking him when he is asleep....just wondering if you tried it.
Does she have any teeth yet?  My guy is teething something awful...but still no teeth  ;D
hope you have a good day :)

I live in Toronto, Canada.
Harrison is 7mnths old!

Offline leigh0311

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2007, 14:58:51 pm »
Hey there! Yes, I have the hardest time getting back to sleep, so I feel like I never really get rested at night.  :( I have tried a Dreamfeed at 11, but I swear it doesn't help either way......She doesn't appear to have teeth coming in, but I think sometimes she is really hurting!! I am sorry your little guy is working on getting them now, b/c I am sure it disrupts his snoozing (and yours).

How did your night go??

Offline Layla

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Re: Please help, I really am about to lose it.....
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2007, 20:55:23 pm »
Dreamfeed - If you haven't done it up until now I personally wouldn't recommend. Its not a good idea to start the DF at this age if not done before.


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