Author Topic: How can I do WI/WO if LO sleeps in our room?  (Read 842 times)

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How can I do WI/WO if LO sleeps in our room?
« on: September 07, 2007, 07:35:51 am »
Hello Girls,

We've returned back to Greece after a lovely hol in UK ( 20 mo DS didn't sleep very well there at all - but I put it down to strange cots and he cut bottom eye teeth too) and since we've been back sleep has been even worse - non existent in fact.
He goes to bed fine(I'm now able to walk straight out after saying goodnight - wow!!), but starts to wake after 10pm really, really screaming and sobbing. We gave med on the first night, but after having a good look in his mouth, I'm convinced nothing is happening in there.
When he's really crying, I do pick him up to comfort him but I can see all he wants to do is go back to sleep. So I put him back in his cot, he goes straight back to sleep and the cycle starts again after 10 - 15 mins.
Last night this happened all night and in between he was really thrashing about in his sleep, kicking the sides of the cot as if he just wasn't comfortable.
Do you think he's waking because he's getting too big for his cot? He was in a bigger cot while we were in the UK.
He could just need some sleep training after a bit of AP in the UK (so as not to wake up the family), but how do I do WI/WO when he is in the same room as us?
We're finishing the tiling in his room and waiting for window and doors, so it will be about  2 weeks before he goes in his own room.
I start back to work in a 2 weeks and I don't want him waking every 10 mins when I have to go to work!
How should I tackle these NW and what could be causing them?
Any ideas girls - I just want him to sleep through the night!!
Thanks, Lis

Offline mari

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Re: How can I do WI/WO if LO sleeps in our room?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2007, 08:11:18 am »
Let him know that you are there, but there is no need to pick him up.  when we had a holiday, Alex was unsettled a little during the night, (she was in our room) and I queitly got out of bed, went over to her and just said shsh (sometimes I lay a hand on her to reassure her) and then went back to bed.  I would say more of a  Walk up walk away, rather than walk in walk out.
Hopefully if you do as little as possible, just allow him to know that you are there when he needs you then AP won't set in deeply and he wil transition to his new room in a couple of weeks when you can do WIWO if necessary.

The cause could be teeth or something though.  Sometimes it takes a few weeks before they come through the gums.

Offline Lissybits

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Re: How can I do WI/WO if LO sleeps in our room?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2007, 11:50:35 am »
Thanks Mari. I'll do WUWA tonight! Maybe it is his teeth then. It's the top eyes we're waiting for next. Something is def bothering him - on a good night now he wakes once now and I do WUWA and that's it - but never like this unless it's teeth.
I'm really hoping that after all the teeth and once he's eventually in his room he will become a normal sleeper.
I remember you had to sleep train Alex - how old was she, how bad was it and how much better did it get?!

Offline mari

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Re: How can I do WI/WO if LO sleeps in our room?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2007, 14:56:41 pm »
It started when she was about 10 months and it lasted until she was around 18 months (that's when I cracked and decided that if I didn't do something about it I would lose my mind!)
After consistently doing WIWO it took 2 weeks to see a real difference and about 4-6 weeks before she was sleeping through properly.  I'm sorry if these time scales sound a bit daunting, but it was worth the wait, you really can't rush these things.

Have you tried any meds to see if it really is teeth?