Author Topic: Here I am again... 2 years old with some sleep issues!! Pleas ehelp if you can!!  (Read 2686 times)

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Offline Lucysmom

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This isn't going to help you, but very cute decorating!!!  Great use of the steps for storage with the little baskets.

Ok, so there must be some kind of movable gate that  you can use to gate off those steps.  Let me go have a look online.

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This is too big, but the general idea is right.  A gate you can attach to the walls that has a corner to it.

Offline **Clare**

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Thank you!! What a great idea!! Not sure if hubby would be willing to fork out money for it though at the mo... thing is Im hoping Harvey will be old enough soon to know that hes not to climb on them or that he will just lie in his bed like he used to in his cot and just go to sleep!!!

Then Im thinking in a year the baby will be in there and he'll be sharing the bunk beds with his brother in his room!!

Also if you look Harveys bed is so near the steps that if we put a gate around them he'd be able to use his bed to stand on to get over the gate quite easily, this maybe even more dangerous than not having a gate!! LOL

Ill have another think, hes never actually climbed on it so maybe Im worrying for nothing!! The only thing he climbs on is the end of his bed to wave to everyone out the window!!  ::)

Offline Layla

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Clare - such beautiful colors!!! ;D

What about a mattress on the floor so even if he falls on the floor, he lands on something soft ;)

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Offline Claire Anne

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Why don't you stay outside the room so you can hear what he's up to? He doesn't need to know you are there, but even if he does, he isn't getting any attention from you.
I know why you are worried though - I went up to my DS one evening to find he had climbed on to the window sill and couldn't get down and another to find he had caught his neck in the cord of the roman blind and was stuck! I nearly killed him myself. I'm normally careful so can't believe I hadn't thought of the cord of the blind!!! Now it's tied up out of reach.
Hmm I have probably freaked you out more.....!!!!!
But I do think that staying outside the room might work till he goes to sleep. Then you can use a monitor for the rest of the night. My DS would never let me out of the room if I stayed in it!! Any opportunity for messing!!!

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Offline franchick

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Just want to say that our Katie's room is very similar to this one (although not nearly as nicely decorated!). What the builders did instead of having the 'steps' is they built a cupboard around the sloping bit and just levelled off where the top step would be. This cupboard is used as Katie's wardrobe. You could potentially build your own cupboard with some wooden studs and plasterboard, and a door, but this would cost £ and also would make the room seem even smaller.

The only other thing we have in her room is her 'bed' which is a mattress on the floor.

TBH, if it was me, given that he has never climbed on the steps before, I wouldn't worry about it and, also, if he does and then falls off in the middle of the night, you might all get a fright, but he will probably be OK, maybe a couple of bruises at most. I have known of LO's falling out of bed and staying asleep because their limbs are all relaxed when they are asleep!

Also wanted to send you some sympathy hugs and best wishes vibes.... I still lie down with Katie to help her get off to sleep and have a few NWs a week where I go to her room and fall asleep next to her - I get enough sleep, but am not really making progress to breaking these habits! I am slowly, slowly, though, breaking away from physical contact with her when she goes to sleep - I am hoping that we will have it sorted by the time she goes to school!

Offline **Clare**

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Thank you for the replies nd ideas!!

The room was lovely as a nursery!! I fitted a cot on the inside wall and a rocking chair at the bottom of the steps!! And we used the baskets for his clothes!!

I had an idea yesterday, not to make it safe but to make more room!! My dad is coming on Thursday to turn the door round so it opens outwards!!! That way Harvey can have the bed along the inside wall (as you walk in) and then he wont be able to climb on the end to look out the window!! And he'll have a bit of floor space to play and Im just going to stay close and listen out for him like suggested, he hasnt got the sense to be quiet yet!! He hasnt been on the steps yet so maybe he wont!! Fingers crossed!!

Last night didnt start very good but ended well!! I went up with him at 7 after his bath, read a few stories and led him down, after 20 mins his eyes started drooping and I was thinking great, 10 minutes quicker than last night but then he moved and he woke up!! This happened on and off till 7.55 by that time Id had enough, I hadnt had my tea and I was extremely tired, plus Matt was out and Jake needed putting to bed so I patted his back and he went in 2 minutes.

The night was great, I led awake alot waiting for him to wake up but nothing till 6.15 am!! Then he just sat on the end of our bed chatting and Matt got up with him at 6.30!! So it was fantastic!! Wish he'd gone to sleep abit earlier but hey!!

So what do you think about patting?? I really dont have an hour to be sitting with him every night.  I have no problem with patting him, it means I can leave knowing hes asleep and safe.  The night waking I have a problem with.... do you think I can pat him off to sleep and then just return him when he wakes at night, I never have to pat him in the night... could this work?!  :-\

Offline Claire Anne

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I'd just put him back into bed and leave the room whether it is a nightwaking or while he is going to sleep. By the sounds of it he is able to go by himself alright. Don't say a word, just put him back and tuck him in. That usually works for my DS.
And great idea about moving the door!!!

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Offline **Clare**

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Thanks Claire  :-*

I just dont think I have the time or energy at the moment but I also need my sleep, this pregnancy is totally draining me, its hard enough just getting through the day despite being signed off work and sleeping during the day!! DH isnt around enough to be able to help me out consistently and he hasnt got the patience sometimes.

I think we'll carry on the patting for now and return to bed during the night and see if it works.... if it doesnt then ill have to start leaving the room I guess!! Thanks for all your advice ladies, ill keep you posted xxx

Offline Claire Anne

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Best of luck!!!!!!!! ;)

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