Author Topic: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?  (Read 1208 times)

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Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« on: July 22, 2007, 02:34:19 am »
Our 6 week touchy daughter only likes to sleep while being held. Last night we started the shh/pat method to get her to sleep in her own crib. As she fell asleep in my arms yesterday, I already started missing it.

Once she's able to sleep on her own, is it okay to occasionally have her sleep in my arms? Will this make her regress? I can't imagine not staring at her adorable face while she's asleep in my arms.

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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2007, 02:46:40 am »
Once my girls were sleep trained, they never ever fell asleep in my arms again. I am sure if they were absolutely exhausted they would but even on Jasmine's 1st b'day where she didn't sleep for 6hrs (& thats a very long time for her), she still didn't respond to me rocking her & only fell asleep once we got home in her cot.

I also miss it but there are other ways we can bond :)

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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2007, 17:36:19 pm »
My 9 wk DD is also touchy, and we got her to sleep in her crib around 5 weeks.  I missed the holding very intensely for the first couple days, but once you get used to having so much more free time, it's really nice.  I also tried to remember how sore my back and arms would get from holding her so much - she was already about 12 lbs at that point.

She will still occasionally fall asleep on us, but I try to limit it to once or twice a week.  Try to be really strict about it for the first week or two, then you can probably let her fall asleep on you once in awhile.  But don't let her too frequently, or a few times in a row, or you will probably be back where you started.


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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 18:09:23 pm »
My LO would never fall asleep in my arms once we taught her to sleep in her cot. However when I have to wake her from a nap (which isn't all that often at the moment but that's another story!) I love to creep into her room and watch her sleeping for a few minutes before I wake her up  :)    And as PPs have said, it's a lot easier on your back!  I am sure you will find it's worth it and that there are other ways to enjoy watching your LO and being close.


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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2007, 20:36:52 pm »
Oh no, I'm off next month on a transatlantic flight with lo and she will have to sleep in my arms!  But I'm hoping she'll just pass out and sleep the whole flight.  Well, I can always dream, can't I?

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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2007, 00:17:38 am »
Every once in a while (once every couple of months) we will have a trip or outing (like a plane ride) where there is no option to be home for most of the day.  On those occasions I will do BOTH of the big no-nos - nurse her to sleep AND let her sleep in my arms.

TBH, I usually TRY to nurse her to sleep at her night feeding, tho it rarely works anymore.  Even when it did work, just doing it at that one feeding did not seem to interfere with the rest of her training - she still goes to sleep at naps & bed on her own.  Of course, my lo is textbook/angel, a touchy baby might react differently.
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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2007, 02:13:38 am »
It took a long time, but my 21MO DD will now sleep a little bit in our arms (but we didn't even try again until recently).  But she will sleep in bed with me ocaisionally (usually when camping) and loves to have a wakeup cuddle.  So we get our cuddles in at the end of the nap and as a bonus I get to see her "Christmas morning" face when she wakes up and sees me!  She's wakes in a terrible mood usually and this cuddle transition seems to help a little bit.

If you're not ready to sleep train, keep cuddling and enjoying it and when you're ready, come on back!  Or stick around in the meantime until you're ready.  There's a lot of really fab moms here!
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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2007, 02:53:49 am »
I agree with everything that has been said. 

Once DD was sleep trained she would only ever fall asleep in her cot or a bed and never in our arms or on the sofa/buggy etc unless she was VERY VERY tired or feeling poorly.

Overall it was great as it was exactly what we were aiming for, but I did miss the cuddles and I loved it the rare occasions when she did fall asleep on us  :D

I have to say that by the time we started sleep training - 9 weeks - I was absolutely ready to have some free time and some free arms, so this really balanced out the sense of 'loss' for me.

Good luck  :-*
« Last Edit: July 23, 2007, 03:01:14 am by *Nicola* »
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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2007, 08:55:37 am »
Totally agree with pp.  It was very hard to get dd to fall alseep in my arms once she was trained at 4 mos unless she is very very tired or feeling ill.  I don't think that an occasional snooze in your arms will have a huge impact.  I also sense a loss of intimacy with dd that's why I'm cherishing every cuddle I have with ds and don't mind nursing him to sleep.  Maybe it's reality of having two los but I'm not rushing into training ds too soon.  I want to enjoy motherhood this time around and not be too stressed out like last time.  So enjoy having her in your arms and when you are ready, you can startt he training.

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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2007, 08:59:20 am »
I think it depends on their personality.  DD would sleep in my arms for quite a while if we were out, but after 1 year for sure she wouldn't do it. My neice would do the same at 1 yr old, but another boy we know - no chance!

Last night she got a bit tired, and she snuggled up on me like she used to - it was sooo sweet!
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Re: Can my lo ever fall asleep in my arms again?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2007, 09:11:42 am »

My ds is now 7mths and is a self-soother but when we're out he will occasionally fall asleep in my arms.  I feel that once in a while it's okay to let them do this and be fed to sleep... as long as you don't do it consistantly and too frequently it'll be okay.  At the moment as you have just started pu/pd i'd recommend you don't do it for a while as they quickly revert back... and it's a bit mean!  Good luck with the pu/pd it's hard work but well worth it  :)