Author Topic: Help: Trouble/Tantrum(?) at naptime/bedtime: 17-month-old  (Read 2798 times)

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Offline Ainsley's Mommy

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Help!  My daughter is 17 months old, and until recently was a very easy (textbook) baby.  We had the occational challenges with her, like when traveling and during teething, but generally speaking haven't had any ongoing sleeping problems, until this past Monday.  Here's what's been going on...any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks for reading this, as it may be a bit long...

2 weeks ago (tomorrow) we decided it was time for her to get rid of her soother.  She only ever got it at naptime and bedtime, but during those times more recently she had started using it as a prop to get me to come back in her room; throwing it out of her crib, etc.  When she woke up 2 Saturdays ago, I told her that we wouldn't be using her soother any more, and asked her to say 'bye-bye', she waved.  I then told her we had to put it in the garbage since we didn't need it any more.  I gave it to her, and she proceeded to throw it out.  She had some challenges winding down for the first few days, and I gave her extra cuddles during the 'withdrawl' time, even to the point of letting her nearly fall asleep in my arms (did this for 4 days).  Then we got back on track and for the next week or so, she was going down at night and for naps no problem...I was so proud of her for getting through it and no longer needing her soother!

Well, on Monday morning at about 3:30am, she woke up crying, so I went to her room and tried pu/pd, but she got even more upset, and was wide awake.  I gave her a cuddle, and she just cried more and more.  I couldn't understand what was up.  After 30 mins of this I figured it was teething pain, so I gave her some medicine.  She finally cried herself to sleep, while I was holding her - which seemed totally out of character for her.  I thought this may have been just an isolated incident, but since Monday, each naptime and bedtime she has been crying her dear little eyes out (and sometimes me too!!!)  I have been holding her until she settles, and then putting her down in her crib.  This only happens at naptime/bedtime.  She is in a great mood the rest of the day.  She eats well, and had regular diaper changes, and when she does finally fall asleep, she sleeps right through the night...usually about 12 hours, without waking or fussing.  Finally yesterday I took her to see the nurse here, since I thought maybe she might have an ear infection, but the nurse said that the canal looked ok, although wax was blocking the ear drum.  She suggested I try tylenol to see if it helps.  I did, and the results were the same.  She is also getting her 4 'I' teeth, so today I tried Ibuprophen 45 mins before naptime) to see if it was inflamation - again not working.  The sound of her cries to me sound like she's in pain, but clearly if the medicine isn't making a difference I can only assume that it's behavioural (I am going to take her to the nurse again tomorrow if this doesn't change, just in case!) 

Could this be soother withdrawl?  Have I created a bad habit?  Is she just having a phase/tantrum because she doesn't want to go to sleep? 

Assuming it is behavioural, any suggestions on what I can do to get back on track?  Her crying is breaking my heart! :'(

Thanks so much for any suggestions!

Offline Ainsley's Mommy

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Re: Help: Trouble/Tantrum(?) at naptime/bedtime: 17-month-old
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2007, 01:43:05 am »
Hi again...I also wanted to add our schedule:
8:30-9am: Wake up
9-9:30am: Breakfast
9:30-10:45: Activity
10:45ish: Snack
11-12: Activity
12noon: Lunch
12:30ish-1pm: Activity
1-3pm: Nap
3pm: Snack
3-5:30ish: Activity
5:30: Supper
5:30-7:30: Activity
7:30: Sippy cup of milk/light snack
8:30: Bedtime (bedtime routine starts with quite time before milk @ about 7:15pm, bath every other night, book, cuddle, bedtime)
Usually asleep between 8:30-9pm

The routine is still pretty much the same now, but instead of quietly falling asleep with maybe the occational jibber-jabber to herself, she cries.

Thought this extra info might be helpful.

Thanks again for any suggestions.


Offline Ainsley's Mommy

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Re: Help: Trouble/Tantrum(?) at naptime/bedtime: 17-month-old
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2007, 02:03:48 am »
Stacy, thank you so much!  I wondered about the paci regression...hadn't heard that that helped a lot!  Tonight I did WI/WO and she eventually settled we're on the way to 'back on track'!

It's always nice to have that reassurance...thanks so much.

Also wanted to add, that she does seem a bit more cuddly during the day kisses, sitting on my lap for her morning snack...I am a full-time SAHM so am with her all the time...should I also be concerned about separation anxiety?

« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 02:09:07 am by z9o2a »

Offline Ainsley's Mommy

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Re: Help: Trouble/Tantrum(?) at naptime/bedtime: 17-month-old
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2007, 02:19:43 am »
I didn't realize that there's possibly another phase of separation anxiety...DH and I are planning our first time away from her in a months time  :o   ...I guess I'll have to post a question about that too!!

She does have a knit blanket that my grandmother made for her that she sleeps with each night, but I keep it in her room during the day...should I bring it out during the day too, for her to better bond with it, or keep it in her room where she just gets it at night and during naps, like with her paci?

Oh, I just realized too that she had the blanket the whole time she had her paci, so should I introduce something brand new in addition to her blanket, or just more bonding with the blanket?

Thanks...awesome advice!!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 02:29:02 am by Ainsley's Mommy »

Offline Ainsley's Mommy

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Re: Help: Trouble/Tantrum(?) at naptime/bedtime: 17-month-old
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2007, 02:39:50 am »
I have left dd for two days (not nights though) with my mom and grandmother while I was on a course in Feb.  She did good, except right around lunch when she got a bit upset...easily settled by a walk with Grammie) I can leave her with her daddy no problem during the day...but I live in an isolated fly-in community, so have no family around.  I do have a close friend who has looked after her here and there before, but she was younger.  I realize I need to get better at this!!  Other than the occational daytime/evenings, we've been with her all the time.  There's only been 1-2 times when someone else has put her to it went ok, the other time not so much, but she had a bad cold...oh goodness... :o

For our trip we will be away from home (we leave home for a month at a time, since we are so isolated) but DD will be staying with DH parents the entire time we are away, and we will be with them for an entire week before we leave so that Ainsley can adjust to having Nana care for her too.  I know it will be hard though!  I'll post elsewhere about suggestions on easing the transition, but would love your thoughts.

BTW, I had my grandmother make a backup blankie identical to the one Ainsley uses every night...just in case!!