My angel/textbook 2yo dd has never had trouble with going down for night sleeps or naps, or at least nothing that was a long term issue (teething, illness, the usual bumps on the road). However, for the last week or so she has been having a complete fit at bedtime and takes over an hour to calm her down and put her to sleep. For the last month she has been not falling asleep immediately, and just talking in her crib until she fell asleep, sometimes for up to an hour. I moved her bedtime 1/2 hr later and cut her naps to 2 hrs and she'd still lay in her crib talking for 1/2 hr. As long as she was happy, I was happy and naptimes have remained a non-issue. Her routine used to look like this:
6:30 or so wake
1:00-3:00 nap
7:00 bedtime
sigh, life was good.... I've never had to do any sleep training with her as she's been a great sleeper since 12 weeks of age, so I don't know how to do wi/wo or anything like that. She's always just been put to bed awake and fallen asleep on her own.
Now her routine looks like this and it has been like this for the last week:
5:00 am wakes up crying, falls asleep in our bed until 6:00
1:00-3:00 nap
7:30 bedtime, have a fit, scream cry, turn blue, beg for more songs, beg for anything, scream some more about not wanting to go to sleep, cry for Mommy, cry for Daddy.
8:30 or 9:00 finally calm down and fall asleep.
I believe she is overtired from the later bedtime, and hence the early wakings. I work full-time and am 27 weeks pregnant with lo#2, and can't get up at 5:00, so there may be some AP there. I'm willing to fix that, but I just feel totally frustrated about the late nights (7:00-9:00 pm is my time to make lunches, get clothes ready, tidy up, shower, and then finally put my feet up, so when she won't go down easily I'm tired and have to push my chores back and I'm up later and not happy about my sleeping situation, not happy about getting up at 5:00).
Our bedtime routine is the same as always, we have quiet time with books or a bath with a Franklin movie while we dry her off. Then after teeth brushing we pick out a teddy bear, sing some quiet songs and then lay her down in her crib with lots of hugs and kisses. Then I'd leave the room and she'd talk to herself for a few minutes and go to sleep. She seems ready to go down lately, but as soon as I start to walk out of the room she stands up and begs for another song or something and when I say no she freaks out and the whole thing starts. I won't leave her to cry it out, she's genuinely upset, but if I don't leave her then I'm giving in to the tantrum and teaching her that's how to get what she wants. I tell her that's not how we ask for what we want (so she screams PLEASE!) and tell her she must calm down, but I'm upset on the inside because I know it's 'here we go again' and I don't know what I'm doing and I'm going to turn her into a spoiled child or scar her by letting her cry it out.
She is getting her 2nd 2 year molar and of all the times she's had her routine upset, teething always seems to disrupt her sleep. I've tried giving her ibuprofen 1/2 hr before bed to see if that helps, but it doesn't and now she's added 'medicine' to the list of things she's freaking out for. She is a thumbsucker and I have noticed that she isn't sucking her thumb as much this last week (possibly because her mouth is sore?). Otherwise she has no props or issues and nap-time remains easy. We use the same wind-down routine for nap-time as bedtime. She would sleep longer for her naps if I'd let her, but I thought that was messing up her night sleep.
Any help here would be great. I'm so crabby and tired and can't take much more! Thanks so much for any help you can offer!