Hi, I've posted this in the EASY forum but not one mod replied, and I figured we needed to tweak our routine somewhere, but NW's are our main problem. Hopefully one of you nice moms can offer me some advice this time; you have all been so helpful before!!

Here is the link to my other post https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=97206.0
My 5 month old DS has already gone thru his 4 month GS, teething, and milestone (rolling onto side) and now his naps are perfect (or so I thought). He is swaddled to sleep and nap, but a few days ago I ended up putting him to nap unswaddled (he was a bit OT'd and he fell asleep unswaddled with shh, and a lovey). He slept for 2 hours, so I thought maybe the lovey was helping and let's see how the rest of the day would go without the swaddle. It went wonderfully! The pm nap was an hour and a half and catnap 1 hour. He went to bed for the night beautifully and even slept 12 hours with no wakings!

(a first!) So we tried the same the next day thinking he no longer needed the swaddle. Boy was I wrong! His am nap was 45 mins, and even though I put him down earlier for his next nap (A time was 1.5 hours-usually is 1 hour 50 mins) he woke in 30 mins (obviously OT'd). From here the goal was to get in 2 more short naps, but he would have none of it. I finally got in an hour nap from 3:45-4:45 and he went to bed okay at 7:30. One waking at 2 am (he ate 6 oz) and it took 30 mins of shh to get him back to sleep w/out swaddle.
The 3rd day I decided to swaddle again so at least he'd get good naps, and he did! Here was our routine:
woke 6:45 (playing in crib)
E 7:15 (7 oz, but not really hungry)
S 8:40-10:40 (swaddled, I woke him)
E 11:15 (6 oz)
S 12:45-2:30 (swaddled)
E 15:00 (8oz)
S 16:40-17:15 (he woke up crying, he usually does 45 mins to an hour here)
E 18:00 (6oz)
bath,bedtime routine
E 19:15 (top-up 6oz)
Bed (tried from 19:30-21:00)unswaddled and finally gave baby motrin (bad mommy

woke 1:10 am (fed 5 oz and swaddled)
woke 5:30 (took 20 min of shh)
woke 6:50
I'm sure theres something wrong with our routine (even though it changes daily based on his nightwakings and naps). I find now that if he's not swaddled, I can't soothe/shh him to sleep, whereas when swaddled he falls asleep almost instantly (at least for his naps). I still don't know who possessed my little guy the day and night he slept so well, maybe he was just so tired from weeks of crappy nights

Any input/advice?
Thanks, Jessica
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