me again
I was the one with the 5 month old who slept in the pushchair but who gradually became a short napper and then gradually I could not extend. so from last week I moved lo to the cot
Good news...
- largely accepts cot and goes down either after playing (ie no fuss), a slight fuss or sometimes a light patting, yippee
- have dropped dummy for going to sleep at night - big
- lo has self extended 3 times - not done this for ages
But also big problems
Pat / ssh does seem the best thing for us - as I say it can settle her for the nap and has been used with some success to extend naps - varied success from 4 min to 20 mins patting..... PU / PD seems to confuse the situation
But I have now had 2 days when its all gone pear shaped at the first nap, pat ssh did not work then was so awake all day with very short naps, despite me trying every AP under the sun in desperation!!!
So what should I do if pat sssh does not seem to be working:
- give up and move on (ie forget the nap) after 20 mins - but I really need to understand when to try again with her because, as a seasoned 40 min napper she will then seem wide awake for another 2 hours with no real cues, and I am worried that I am reinforcing the habit
- PU / PD - hmm.....
- W2S - hmmm....
- what do you do if they are crying and burying head, do you continue to pat / ssh then or just use your hand / voice to allow them to settle themselves, if I move away she screams but also wonder if I am stopping her settling
Also the times she has extended her own naps they have been 1 hr, 10 - ie 30 mins + 40 mins. Although I am sooo pleased she has done it is it actually a bad sign that she is doing 30 mins??
Am I just expecting too much too soon and should be grateful for what I have achieved ie a short napper in a new location!!!
(In terms of EASY, she is fine on the feeding side with 4 hrly or more if need, its just the naps.... A time before the first nap is about 2, 10, give or take)