Author Topic: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!  (Read 2984 times)

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Offline Pinguxxx

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2007, 20:04:21 pm »
Just put her down again. All good stuff out the window tonight as I just want her to go off. I've had approx 1.5hrs to myself in the last 14hrs and I'm goosed!

Think she was OT tonight. She only had a 45min nap this afternoon and a 30min one between the first two cluster feeds. She had the 3rd one early too as she was flagging. She fell asleep during winding and there was no waking her so I put her down. She was too tired to feed well as well I think as she was looking for more food after waking up in bed. I fed her and thought that would do the trick but no such luck!

Oh I'm sooooooooooo tired .............  :'(

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2007, 20:08:01 pm »
(((((hugs)))))  Hope you get some sleep!!  I promise things will get better!  I have been where you are and sometimes am there again LOL (like last night) but just hang in there!!!  Here's hoping for a peaceful night!

Offline MegER

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2007, 01:08:45 am »
I had success today; we had 2, 2hour naps! The bad news.... my ds slept with me! I nearly finished a book because I didn't want to move when he was sleeping. The other 3 naps were 45-60min.
Of course he started to stir at the 45min mark, but I was right there to shhh and soother him. 

Offline Pinguxxx

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2007, 09:16:16 am »
Ooo good ....... I think my DD would sleep all day in bed with me lol !

Some progress today I think, not going to jump for joy just yet but .... last night she woke twice and we got her back off fairly easily with the dummy and holding her arms down. This morning she woke at 35mins ... seemed to re-settle herself (me getting excited that she's doing her own w2s !!!) but woke at 45, got her back down with the dummy and a re-swaddle and I had to wake her at feed time!!

I suspect that part of the problems have been down to the reflux, especially the crying and struggling to get out the swaddle ... she had outgrown her dosage and we upped it yesterday evening  ;D

Don't think we're home and dry by a long shot but hopefully the sleep training will be less traumatic.

Offline Pinguxxx

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2007, 14:59:01 pm »
 ;D ;D ;D

Afternoon nap went brilliantly. She grunted, groaned and shouted at the 40mins mark......then all was quiet! She slept 1hr 40mins.  :o  She was really tired after her 2nd morning nap which was short, even stopped feeding and cried for sleep so I put her down.

Typically I didn't bother trying to have a nap myself  >:(

Offline Cassila

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2007, 19:58:01 pm »
aarrgghh. Just had a HORRIBLE day. My LO is suffering from 45 min naps..she wakes, I go in and she is all smiley and alert. I know that she needs longer because after 20 mins or so she is tired again and crying because of it. The few times she has slept for 1 1/2 hours in the morning, she has had a brilliant day...otherwise she is cramky all day. Today I tried to get her back to sleep...ssh pat, reswaddle etc she went back down for 10 minutes then woke up. I tried it again and then she cried and cried and cried non-stop for an hour. Stopped for a few mins, then cried more for another hour and was grisly, OT and bad at feeding for the rest of the day. I am so tired and feel so frustrated with this. Should I not try to get her back to sleep or let her get up and then put her back down (EASYASEASY?)??? I had to put her down and go into another room today as I was so cross and frustrated and tired and I just didn't know what to do (Iknow ther's alot of and's in's how I felt).

I put her to bed at 6.30 in the end (she normally goes at 7ish) then she woke up at 35 mins and had a good feed. I put her back into bed and she went off on her own (eventually...all happy and smiley...but went off....she NEVER does that in the day!!!!!

I should say..if you've read this far...she's 11 weeks, is putting on weight well (about 13lb) and sleeps well at night, DF at 10.30, wakes at around 1.30-3 and around 5.30-7, but goes back down to sleep straight after food with no help. She's breast fed exclusively, occasional expressed milk in bottle.

HELP. I can't take much more of the all day crying sessions!!

Offline Pinguxxx

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2007, 20:13:49 pm »
My dd is responding much better to just the dummy going back in and me laying my hand over her hands on her chest to combate the jolts, rather than any of the pat/shhing etc. That seems to wind her up more! I find that if she is really crying she responds better to 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' in her ear than shhhing!!!

We seem to be finding what is right for us.

I can totally sympathise with you getting so frustrated. I was like that yesterday, sleep deprived and crying non stop all morning. DD'd head was soaked from my tears! My way of letting it out.

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2007, 20:18:46 pm »
you may want to start a new thread and post your routine, and maybe we can all have a crack at helping you with the 45 min naps!
Pinguxxx.  Glad to hear that you are finding some things that work for you and your lo.  Each one is so different, and it just takes trial and error sometimes doesn't it!!  I hope things get better and better for you!!

Offline Cassila

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Re: Self soothing and the dreaded 45min mark!
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2007, 20:54:29 pm »
Thanks..will do that!