I did this with Zara with SA at home, worked quite well.
If he starts to play, leave completely, but return the instant he starts to cry, lay him down, shh him if need be, help him calm down. Then if he stays laying down, very slowly try to leave the room ie 1 step a minute or whatever, and if he looks for you, just shh him, or say your normal bedtime phrase. If he gets up and is agitated help him settle. If he gets up and is playing, leave the room again. If you manage to make it out of the room with no tears, then don't return unless he cries again.
This gives the message that you are happy to help him if he needs you, but that you aren't here to play with him at bedtime.
I do agree with katet but with Zara, I know that she can attempt to engage me for several hours even if I am ignoring her LOL, so it really depends on the child.
HTH. This method I think takes into account that he may feel uncomfortable in his temporary surroundings, but still shows that you mean business....