My ds doesn't want to nurse as long since he began solids. Even when I pump a bottle he is only taking about 3 oz when he used to take 6. I feed him solids 2x a day, but nurse him BEFORE each feeding. I exclusively nursing him morning, afternoon, and night. He gets solids with his late morning and early evening feedings. I am very concerned about my milk supply as I am certain that it has gone down after almost 2 weeks of this. I try to pump as much as possible, but it is just becoming overwhelming. My ds begins to scream and won't take the breast after a few minutes of nursing. He usually does OK with his early morning and bedtime feeding, but the 3 in between are a mess. Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a solution? He is only 6 1/2 months. Also, I was feeding solids 3 times a day then cut back to 2 because of this problem.