I'm new to the boards and was looking for some answers after reading Tracy's first book. My DD is almost 4 months old and we're having issues with napping. Our schedule looks something like this:
7-wakes up
7:15 eats
7:30-9 activity
9-11 naps
11:15 - 2 - activity
2-3 or so, naps
3:15 - 5:30 - activity
5:30-6:15 naps
6:15-7 activity
bedtime around 9
She will sometimes go longer between feeds, so everything moves back about 1/2 hr. to 45 min., and her last feed is about 8:15, 8:30.
She used to fall asleep in my lap during the day, and would stay there for 2 hours!!! In her crib it is a different story. I am desperately trying to break that habit!
I have a few questions:
1. How can I extend her daytime naps? She is ony sleeping about 9 hours at night. I haven't been doing a dream feed for a while. She goes down so easy at night.
2. Her startle reflex is so severe that it frequently wakes her up. Any suggestions?
3. She likes to sleep holding my hand with hers, on her chest. Very sweet, but tough habit to break!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!