One thing that sprung to mind reading your post is the amount of awake time your LO is having between naps.
At this age she should only be awake for 1 hour maximum, and this activity time should include feeding, changing, cuddling, out in buggy, etc etc PLUS the wind down time.
It really is a very small amount of activity time she requires.
It is not clear from your schedule if she is awake for longer than 1 hour but I *think* that is how it reads. If so, it will mean that you may miss her 'window' of sleepiness meaning that she, in turn, becomes overtired and difficult to settle to sleep. Look out for her tired signs, yawn, rubbing eyes, red eyes etc and start the wind down as soon as you see these!
So, if she wakes at 7am for a feed, you would be looking at her being back asleep by 8am. 7am-8am would then be feed, out for some sun, nappy change, wind down and sleep.
Hopefully, if you get the window of sleepiness right then it will take much less time to settle her down for her nap which means that the rest of the day will follow on.
please post back with any questions. Of course, if her activity IS only 1 hour then we will go back to the start and work from there !