Here's my DD's routine:
~6.00am awake, bottle
10.00awake, bottle
5.30 I wake her "wake up, it's time for bed!"
6.30-7.00bottle & bed for the night
10.00-11.00 DF
Now that the nights are getting a bit longer, she's starting to sleep in a bit more, so she's starting to get the 12 hour day thing going on. My mom keeps trying to get her to stay up later so she'll sleep later, but it never works and she's happy. (One time we were out until 10pm, Amelia still woke up at 6.00 on the dot!) I wasn't so happy before I got used to her wake up time. Now when she sleeps in, I find I feel like I don't have enough time! Sometimes one has to get used to baby's cycles, especially if baby won't conform to yours!
Her schedule kinda crimps in on my evenings for doing things, but she's usually fairly forgiving if it's only every once in a while.
She also doesn't like sleeping outside her cot. It takes a lot of work on my part to get her to at least have some quiet time, that's usally enough to get her thru' another bit of time before we can get home.