My dd is 12 months old. She has never been a good sleeper- had reflux for many months so she would nurse, fall asleep in my arms, and I had to hold her upright for a while. She has been getting up fairly consistently every 2 - 3 hrs atnight all along. (My 12 month old newborn!) I am exhausted. In the last week or two she has been up every 45 min - 2 hours. Plus, she fights bedtime like crazy. There were a few nights when we ended up letting her play (big mistake, but we were desperate). Here's the thing. A friend sent me the BW Answers your Questions book and the ideas seemed sound. I tried PU/PD. However, she squirms, screams, and arches her back even when I was holding her (the "comfort" stage). The book said not to fight a baby, to put her back in the crib if she is resisting. So I did. She screamed more. If she stood up, I'd do the PU portion, but she screamed the whole time. So there was never really a time I was 'supposed' to hold her. Clearly I have read this wrong. Can someone PLEASE tell me how this is supposed to work with a baby who I cannot get to calm down? We suspect this is separation anxiety to the extreme. My husband decided we needed to cio, and the last 2 night have been horrible, She screams for 3 hours. I KNOW that is not the way to go but we are beside ourselves. I really don't agree with this cio business. TIA for any advice!!!
Background info:
She is breastfed 4 times during the day (wake up, pre-nap, pre-bed) then had been nursing during most night wakings. She takes a full feed at night wakings.
She is on all sorts of solids- 3 meals a day plus an afternoon snack.
Not drinking whole milk yet, takes water in sippy cups and regular cups
Naps: sometimes twice a day. Usually 30 min- 2 hr in the am, and 30 min - 2 hr in the pm. Naps have only really become consistent in the last month or so. Before that she would nap for maybe 30 min once a day when I was lucky.
Teething: possibly beginning eye teeth, but nothing shows on the gums yet. she's got all the others though.
General Routine:
7 am- up, nurse
8am- breakfast
8:30- bath (seemed too stimulating for nighttime- she LOVES the water)
9:30- nap
playtime when she gets up
noon- lunch
2- nap
playatime when she gets up
4- snack
5:30 dinner
7- ready for bed- reading, pjs, diaper, walk around to quietly say Goodnight to things outside and living things in the house
7:30- sing lullaby while nursing to sleep
usually up by 9 pm, 11, 12, etc....