Author Topic: Precious sleeps through activity time.  (Read 845 times)

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Precious sleeps through activity time.
« on: September 01, 2007, 17:33:30 pm »
We are new have been on the EASY routine for less than a week (4 week old baby).  Any suggestions on how to keep a baby awake for activity time?  So far I've tried changing diaper, stripping her down, massage, playing with her hands/feet, talking to her, singing, etc.   She has her eyes open for no more than 2 activity times throughout the day--which lasts all of five minutes after feeding if we're lucky.  Additional info.: She is gaining weight steadily and her feeding patterns are quite regular.  Sleep schedule not stable: she resists swaddling and breaks her arms out (going to try Aussie swaddling method), also has 1 to 1.5 hour crying episode once in afternoon and once in the middle of the night...shush-pat worked only once so far (tried it 4 times).  She simply skips the sleep in EASY for those 2 cycles mentioned above. Any insights helpful!

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Re: Precious sleeps through activity time.
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2007, 17:45:07 pm »
At 4 weeks she is still getting used to this world and sleepiness is quite common . You rally cannot keep baby up when she want to sleep. However make sure she understands its daytime, meaning be in room where its sunlight and all this so she wont change day for night.
Just try to keep her routine as much as possible and try to teach her to fall asleep without your help , she will stay up longer soon.

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Re: Precious sleeps through activity time.
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2007, 00:04:00 am »
It sounds like you are doing a great job!  Very early on like that, eating is pretty much the activity, and sleep follows quickly.  One thing that I have found helpful in thinking about EASY and activity time is if you consider the time between sleep periods as "awake time" - so this would include eating.  Your LO is only able to be awake for certain lengths of time (which will obviously increase with age) and eating will be the majority of the time for the first while, and the time left over from that will be for other activities like singing, massage etc... like you've been doing.

Congratulations, by the way, and welcome to the boards!