Author Topic: Meet our Administrators, Global Moderators, and Forum Moderators!  (Read 61260 times)

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Welcome to Baby Whisperer – lovingly known as BW!
In this thread we hope to introduce you to the site's Administration and Moderating Team.

Tom = nosenose
After his DW (All4Finn) discovered BW and sanity slowly crept back into their lives, Tom passively followed the discussions and progress on the forums that helped bring harmony and happiness into their home.
Shortly after, the site had major downtime and was down for weeks. Realising how much BW had helped DW get through before the outage, and recognising how many other mothers must be similarly in need of this site, Tom made it his mission to get the site back online, begging (as an unknown stranger) to be allowed on as admin so he could fix it. Fortunately he was allowed on and has since been working to get the site running smoothly again - a lengthy task, not yet completed. Tom loves being a BW daddy and loves to help others join forces to use the BW way.
Tom does all his webmaster work for the site as volunteer, but can be easily bribed with Marmite. ;) :P

Administrators (Admins)
We currently have four Admins on site – who also do all that they do for the site as volunteers. Their role is to oversee the day-to-day running of the site – carrying out a variety of technical tasks and also leading and taking care of the moderating team.

Our Admins are:

Gareth – Harvey & Theos Dad
Gareth has been a member of BW since April 2004 following a recommendation from a mother of a refluxer at baby clinic.  He joined the Administration Team in June 2005.

Lana has been a member of BW since 2003 when her oldest was 5.5 months old and would only nap for 45 minutes.  She implemented BW and was so happy with it that she decided to stick around.  She became a sleep moderator in 2004, so that she could pay back the help she received from the site.  In Dec 2005, she welcomed her second child, to whom she also whispered.  In early 2006, she became a GM and then in early 2007, she joined the Admin team.  She is thankful daily that Tracy's techniques have made her a much better and in touch parent.

Jaime found the BW site in March 2005 after a desperate Google search.  Though she found the books to be enough information with her first child, her 2nd child was Touchy and Grumpy, and could not seem to break the 45-minute nap.  After receiving some wonderful help & support from the boards, she was able to learn how to better listen & respect the needs of a completely different type of child.  As a result, she began spending more & more time on the sleep boards, commiserating & offering advice to many new moms.  She eventually became a moderator on the General Sleep board, one of the GMs in August 2006, and joined the Admin team in October 2008.

Aisling picked up the BW books when she was pregnant with her son and has been happily whispering since.  Aisling felt an immediate connection with Tracy’s philosophy and clicked with her approach that children should be listened to and respected as individuals. With a background in education, sports and management, Aisling has found a new favourite career as a stay at home mother. She started as a moderator in 2007 and then went on to become a Global Moderator in 2008. She is our most recent addition to the Admin team in early 2012.

Global Moderators (GMs)
In addition to the Admins we have a team of 4 Global Moderators – again all voluntary members of the moderating team.

The role of the Global Moderator, or GM as we commonly refer to them, is:
* General Moderating of designated forums without a Forum  Moderator
* Cover for those forums that have their Forum Moderators in absence (vacation etc)
* To provide backup and support for moderators – especially on forums that are the most demanding of BW resources.
The three GMs are:
Jessica = Colin Macs Mom
Jessica also found the site after a desperate Google search, in November 2005.  Colin was 2.5 months old and a spirited refluxer who never slept. The insightful and loving advice here saved their family and got Jessica hooked. She later became a night wakings moderator and then a Global moderator.

Siobhan = Shiv52
Having struggled through the first months with breast feeding issues, short naps and a spirited baby it was a relief to buy the BW books when her DD was 4 months old.  Everything started to make so much more sense.  From there things got so much easier, the short naps lengthened and a routine settled into place.  Siobhan especially liked Tracy's philosophies on establishing and maintaining trust and liked the gentle methods recommended to teach independent sleep.   
Siobhan found the BW website soon after in January 2009 when her DD was 8 months old and has gained so much more insight into her DD's personality and how being spirited affects all areas of her life!  Siobhan had received great support and advice from parents who have 'been there done that' and it is a great comfort to know that someone somewhere has experienced what you are going through and that there is an end in sight!  Siobhan is thrilled to join the Global Moderators in early 2012, after spending time as a moderator on breast feeding forum and the Naps forum.  She hopes to pay it forward to lots of other parents who are trying to do the best by their LOs!

Erin = Erin M
Erin first heard of Tracy Hogg's work from a co-worker when pregnant with her first child.  Having bought SOTBW while pregnant, she read it cover to cover during one of those early sleepless nights with a newborn and was immediately attracted to Tracy's middle of the road philosophy and emphasis on respect.  She joined the forums in 2005 when the 45 minute nap monster reared its ugly head and remained an active member when her second daughter was born in 2006.  She moderated the Activity Time forum during 2006-2007 and took a break from moderating when she went back to teaching full time in late 2007.  After her son was born in 2011, she was thrilled to be asked to rejoin the moderating team as a breastfeeding moderator.  She has since moderated Night wakings as well. In May 2013 she was happy to join the GM team!

Our Global Moderators cover our forums as follows:


Bottle Feeding                                                Erin                                         
Breast Feeding                                                Erin
Feeding Solid Food (including Baby Food Recipes)      Erin 
Food Allergies                                                  Erin
Eating For Toddlers                                         


Activity Time & Toddler Activity                   Erin
E.A.S.Y. Forum (including Birth Clubs)         Erin
Discipline & Socialization Skills                  Erin
Potty Training                                              Siobhan
Preschoolers & Kindergarteners                 Siobhan
School & beyond!                            Siobhan
Tweens & Teens                               Siobhan
And then there were two...                         Siobhan


General Sleep Issues             Siobhan
Night Wakings                     
Sleeping For Toddlers            Siobhan


The Lounge 
(Includes Relationships, The Couch, Photo Gallery, Regional / Get Together Forum, Great News & Not So Great News, Adoption & Related Issues) - Jessica

Hobbies, Personal Interests & Home Economics
(includes Craft Corner, Book Club, Movies & Television, Recipe Swap, Home Management and Organization, Healthy Living, Beauty and Fashion, Working Parents/Financial Advice & Money Management) - Jessica
Pregnancy & Childbirth             Erin   
Loss / Miscarriages                  Erin


In Remembrance of Tracy  > Endorsements -
Introductions > Forum Tips and Information - Jessica
Hoggwatch - Product Recommendations  -
Health, Medical, Colic, Reflux & Developmental (includes Colic, Reflux & Crying, Growth & Development, Post Partum Depression) - Erin

Forum Moderators

Then we have our Forum Moderating Team – again all volunteers without whom we could not provide the support and advice that we do.

Moderator responsibilities include:

  • Moderating the content on the moderator's forum for appropriateness according to the site's registration agreement – to do this effectively, moderators are asked  to visit their forums on a daily basis.
  • Although moderators are experienced in the topic covered in the forum that they moderate, they are not to be held up as the experts and do not automatically answer every post. Instead we encourage our members to support and advise each other first and moderators will offer advice as necessary.
  • Moving posts better suited to another forum.
  • Editing, locking, or deleting posts with inappropriate content.
  • Managing sticky announcements.
Here is a list of our moderators and a little bit about them:


Bottle Feeding and related FAQs Click here to visit the forum
Laura first came across Tracy’s work on TV and was drawn to her methods, she discovered the website and became a member in April 2005. After many months of lurking Laura finally plucked up the courage to begin posting shortly before she became pregnant with baby no1. She found the support of the boards invaluable during her pregnancy and even more so after her son was born in December 2006. He turned out to be a refluxer and a poor sleeper who was bottle fed due to tongue-tie. Laura added a daughter to her family in May 2009 and continues to do her best to implement EASY with another tongue tied bottle fed refluxer and a toddler in tow! Laura was delighted to be invited to moderate the bottle feeding board in late 2009 and stayed there for quite a while! After a stint on toddler sleep and a short break from Moderating she has returned to her “home” on the bottle feeding boards! Now with a 8yo and a 6yo Laura continues to follow Tracy’s teaching and is happy to report she has 2 fabulous children who mostly sleep very well!

Breast Feeding and related FAQs Click here to visit the forum.

Ali was introduced to the BW site in March 2010 by her sister when her DS1 was 4mo and she rushed out and bought the BWSAYP book. She soon discovered the miracles of shh/pat and wake to sleep and used them to help her DS1 to become an independent sleeper and extend his 45 minute naps.  After also obtaining the Secrets of the BW and the Toddler book Ali used BW techniques successfully with her DS2 and DD from birth and is now a stay at home mum who fills her time running an under 5s play group twice a week.  Ali is passionate about the merits of breastfeeding and was blessed to be able to breastfeed both her boys until 26mo and she hopes to do the same with her third.

Feeding Solid Food, Baby Food Recipes and related FAQs Click here to visit the forum.
When Creations had her son she used Dr Harvey Karps 5 Ss to calm and sooth him (swaddle, side/stomach, shush, swinging, sucking).  She'd seen Karp demonstrate this method with a queue of crying newborns on a TV show many years before and the miracle of instant calm had been impressive and memorable.  But what to do after your baby is calm?
Although sleep training hadn't been her conscious aim, she wanted to put in place what she thought and hoped were good habits.  But what good habits should she be putting in place?
When her DS was around four weeks old Creations was given three pocket sized baby books.  One by a well known author was scan-read and discarded almost immediately.  The other two were Baby Whisperer "Top Tips" books.  Read within a day they seemed to confirm and expand upon the ways of soothing and good habits Creations was already trying to implement.  Tracy's EASY routine made sense and offered Creations exactly the information she was looking for; how to be loving, sympathetic and available for her baby whilst also giving him his own place in the family as a separate and respected individual; giving him the confidence that she'd always be there whenever he needed her; the confidence to sleep alone; the confidence to someday venture out into the world alone.
Creations began working towards an EASY routine that day.

Food Allergies Click here to visit the forum.
Buntybear first heard of Tracy and BW from her SIL, KathrynK, who used the techniques and philosophy successfully for her 2 children. After her DS was born, Buntybear started to put in place the foundations of sleep training at around 6 weeks. It’s not easy but it does pay off!

Unfortunately DS had multiple food allergies which meant that nights were some what of a challenge! Buntybear faithfully breastfed and was on a strict diet herself, with the help of some now good friends on this forum. It was a great source of support and a great place to let off some steam to other Mums who understood how hard it can be to have a baby with allergies and intolerances.

Thankfully Buntybear’s DS has grown out of some of his allergies and now she would like to be there to support other Mums in similar situations.


E.A.S.Y. Forum and related FAQs - Click here to visit the forum.

When Creations had her son she used Dr Harvey Karps 5 Ss to calm and sooth him (swaddle, side/stomach, shush, swinging, sucking).  She'd seen Karp demonstrate this method with a queue of crying newborns on a TV show many years before and the miracle of instant calm had been impressive and memorable.  But what to do after your baby is calm?
Although sleep training hadn't been her conscious aim, she wanted to put in place what she thought and hoped were good habits.  But what good habits should she be putting in place?
When her DS was around four weeks old Creations was given three pocket sized baby books.  One by a well known author was scan-read and discarded almost immediately.  The other two were Baby Whisperer "Top Tips" books.  Read within a day they seemed to confirm and expand upon the ways of soothing and good habits Creations was already trying to implement.  Tracy's EASY routine made sense and offered Creations exactly the information she was looking for; how to be loving, sympathetic and available for her baby whilst also giving him his own place in the family as a separate and respected individual; giving him the confidence that she'd always be there whenever he needed her; the confidence to sleep alone; the confidence to someday venture out into the world alone.
Creations began working towards an EASY routine that day.

Birth Clubs - Click here to visit the forum.
Marta got her first BW book when still pregnant. Trying to be the best-first-mum-ever, she read it all before her baby boy arrived - however nothing went as planned! When her DS was 6 weeks old, she managed to get out of the fog of baby blues and looked for some help on the internet and that's how she found the forum. And that was a blessing as Frank was a spirited baby, colicky in his first weeks and short-napping in the first months of his life - and the help WAS needed. She received much support and started to help others, so fulfilling the ethos of this forum 100%!
From the beginning she has been a mod on Birth Clubs, moved into being a mod on the Sleep Forums and EASY later and now she helps on a Toddler Sleep as her baby boy is more than 2 years old!
In her personal life, she is busy having a baby boy, husband and a cat - and she just started her own business in the area of baby sleep:)!

Discipline and Socialisation Skills and Companion Books/Methods - Click here to visit the forum.
Laura first came across Tracy’s work on TV and was drawn to her methods, she discovered the website and became a member in April 2005. After many months of lurking Laura finally plucked up the courage to begin posting shortly before she became pregnant with baby no1. She found the support of the boards invaluable during her pregnancy and even more so after her son was born in December 2006. He turned out to be a refluxer and a poor sleeper who was bottle fed due to tongue-tie. Laura added a daughter to her family in May 2009 and continues to do her best to implement EASY with another tongue tied bottle fed refluxer and a toddler in tow! Laura was delighted to be invited to moderate the bottle feeding board in late 2009 and stayed there for quite a while! After a stint on toddler sleep and a short break from Moderating she has returned to her “home” on the bottle feeding boards! Now with a 8yo and a 6yo Laura continues to follow Tracy’s teaching and is happy to report she has 2 fabulous children who mostly sleep very well!


General Sleep Issues (Visit General Sleep)

Katherine discovered BW through an internet search when her DD was 4 months old and a chronic short-napper.  With a professional background working with babies and children, it had been a shock to Katherine to discover that she couldn't work out how to help her beautiful daughter to sleep better.  The advice she received on this forum and through reading BWSAYP made a world of difference and Katherine was hooked!  She has been immensely privileged to have been part of the moderator team since 2012, taking in quite a few boards along the way, and adding DS to her family in 2014!  She is continually grateful for the help and encouragement of this site, and hopes to be able to continue to support other parents in the same way.

Naps (Click here to visit Naps)

Night Wakings (Click here to visit Night Wakings)
Marta got her first BW book when still pregnant. Trying to be the best-first-mum-ever, she read it all before her baby boy arrived - however nothing went as planned! When her DS was 6 weeks old, she managed to get out of the fog of baby blues and looked for some help on the internet and that's how she found the forum. And that was a blessing as Frank was a spirited baby, colicky in his first weeks and short-napping in the first months of his life - and the help WAS needed. She received much support and started to help others, so fulfilling the ethos of this forum 100%!
From the beginning she has been a mod on Birth Clubs, moved into being a mod on the Sleep Forums and EASY later and now she helps on a Toddler Sleep as her baby boy is more than 2 years old!
In her personal life, she is busy having a baby boy, husband and a cat - and she just started her own business in the area of baby sleep:)!

Sleeping For Toddlers Click here to visit the forum.

Zoe was handed down the BW book by a family friend, DS was around 4 weeks old and Zoe had been researching what book she might like to help her figure stuff out. She had a pretty long, not the nicest birth and suffered with being very tearful for a long time but not PND.  She remembers getting upset as LO wouldn't nap well and her HV saying I hope you've not got that Gina Ford woman's book (had a lovely HV).
She sat cuddling her DS reading and thinking wow this is fab and started using the techniques straight away, she remembers saying to DH if you see 2 yawns act quick ;-) and it worked.
Zoe has a spirited happy and gorgeous boy and it's thanks to BW she's become more confident as a mum. 



Pregnancy & Childbirth, BABIES ON BOARD! ~ TTC & Due Date theads  Click here to visit the forum.
Ali was introduced to the BW site in March 2010 by her sister when her DS1 was 4mo and she rushed out and bought the BWSAYP book. She soon discovered the miracles of shh/pat and wake to sleep and used them to help her DS1 to become an independent sleeper and extend his 45 minute naps.  After also obtaining the Secrets of the BW and the Toddler book Ali used BW techniques successfully with her DS2 and DD from birth and is now a stay at home mum who fills her time running an under 5s play group twice a week.  Ali is passionate about the merits of breastfeeding and was blessed to be able to breastfeed both her boys until 26mo and she hopes to do the same with her third.

The Lounge - Click here to visit the forum.
(including Photo Gallery, Regional / Get Together Forum, Great News & Not So Great News, Adoption & Related Issues, Relationships, The Couch, Games! and Babywhisperer Free Exchange)
Jazzberry first heard about the babywhisperer book through the casual mention by a friend of a friend when her first baby was about 8 weeks old and she has never looked back! When her ds was about 4 months old she found the forums and received invaluable help from the amazing ladies here when she had problems with breastfeeding and ds's low weight gain. The support and advice she has received on here over the years has been incredible and she will be ever thankful for this community and the way in which it is helping her to raise her children.

Health, Medical & Special Needs Click here to visit the forum.
Including FAQ, Information and Health related support threads
Katherine discovered BW through an internet search when her DD was 4 months old and a chronic short-napper.  With a professional background working with babies and children, it had been a shock to Katherine to discover that she couldn't work out how to help her beautiful daughter to sleep better.  The advice she received on this forum and through reading BWSAYP made a world of difference and Katherine was hooked!  She has been immensely privileged to have been part of the moderator team since 2012, taking in quite a few boards along the way, and adding DS to her family in 2014!  She is continually grateful for the help and encouragement of this site, and hopes to be able to continue to support other parents in the same way.

Colic, Reflux, & Crying Click here to visit the forum.
Buntybear first heard of Tracy and BW from her SIL, KathrynK, who used the techniques and philosophy successfully for her 2 children. After her DS was born, Buntybear started to put in place the foundations of sleep training at around 6 weeks. It’s not easy but it does pay off!

Unfortunately DS had multiple food allergies which meant that nights were some what of a challenge! Buntybear faithfully breastfed and was on a strict diet herself, with the help of some now good friends on this forum. It was a great source of support and a great place to let off some steam to other Mums who understood how hard it can be to have a baby with allergies and intolerances.

Thankfully Buntybear’s DS has grown out of some of his allergies and now she would like to be there to support other Mums in similar situations.

Post Partum Depression Click here to visit the forum
Katherine discovered BW through an internet search when her DD was 4 months old and a chronic short-napper.  With a professional background working with babies and children, it had been a shock to Katherine to discover that she couldn't work out how to help her beautiful daughter to sleep better.  The advice she received on this forum and through reading BWSAYP made a world of difference and Katherine was hooked!  She has been immensely privileged to have been part of the moderator team since 2012, taking in quite a few boards along the way, and adding DS to her family in 2014!  She is continually grateful for the help and encouragement of this site, and hopes to be able to continue to support other parents in the same way.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 22:55:14 pm by Erin M »