Author Topic: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!  (Read 1160 times)

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Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« on: September 12, 2007, 20:44:31 pm »
My lo just barely turned a year but he doesn't want to hold his sippy himself at all!Well,sometimes,he does but he thinks it's a rattle!!!!!!I put just a little bit of milk in it,and i showed him so many times of how to do it but he's just not interested.i've been struggling with this for couple of months already.
And can anyone tell me how much milk does a 1-year old need?he takes just two ounces from a cup!please,help!!!!!!thank you!!!!!!!!

Offline *Kimberly*

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Re: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 21:52:38 pm »
My little one was a late bloomer when it came to holding his own cup also.  Don't stress it- just keep trying.   :)

Milk- My son has gone through periods where he will only drink milk all day and then drink none.  Look at the larger picture and see how much he is getting on average.  If he is not drinking much because he is holding the sippy himself try letting him sit in your lap and help him drink from the sippy.  And if you are still concerned about the amount he is drinking- offer the milk before the solids at mealtime and maybe a little more before bed.   :)

Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 22:02:20 pm »
Well, the advice re: how much milk varies, but somewhere between 12 and 20oz seems to be the acceptable range until 24 months.

My 14.5 month old has 14oz cow's milk in a bottle (2 feeds 10am and 3pm) and a morning and evening breastfeed - I've kept her milk intake high as she doesn't get dairy from many other sources, only cheese, as she doesn't really do 'wet' foods like yogurt, custard, milky sauces or puddings, but if your lo's diet has these in, the amount of milk he needs to 'drink' will be lower.

My lo associates her sippy cup with water and will only take milk from a bottle or me, eventually I will transition the daytime milk feeds into a milk drink in a tumbler (maybe with a straw) and a snack, but for now things seem to be working as they are. There is a thread on here for parents who are avoiding the sippy cup effort altogether, perhaps you could have a read for some ideas:

HTH a bit?

Alison x

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Re: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 23:17:09 pm »
My 18 month old just started holding a sippy cup on her own a few weeks ago. I thought it was never going to happen. I'm so phyced. She just wouldn't hold it upright and finally she just started doing it. She drinks a lot of milk though. She always has. Very picky eater. I have a 4 week old so right now it's hard. She has 4-5 oz in the morning, 4-5oz before nap, sometimes another 4 oz before dinner and than a good 8 oz before bed. I know I know.
Chayse was born March 28, 2006
Chaunda was born August 13, 2007

Offline lena

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Re: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2007, 03:09:18 am »
Thank you so much for your help,girls!Now I feel better about his sippy.But as for milk,he takes no more than 14-15 ounces a day now..HE drank about 20 ounces when we gave him formula.My other problem is that I still have like seven feedings a day.I don't know how to change into 3 meals-2 snacks with him.
 our routine is:
7-wakes up
7.30-breakfast(4 ounces cereal,2-3 ounces fruit,cheerios or piece of bagel with some spread,2 ounces milk)
8.30-milk(no more than two ounces now,sits on my laps)
12-lunch(1/2 ounce cheese,a main dish-4 ounces,some fruit)
13-milk(2-4 ounces)
4pm-milk(ab.4 ounces,was 6 when he drank formula)
6pm-yougurt or cottage cheese with fruit-4-6 ounces
ab.7-milk(4-6 ounces,was 6-7 when he drank formula)
 How can I change eat?

Offline *Kimberly*

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Re: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 03:29:51 am »
At about a year I began giving my son his milk with his solids at mealtime instead of having two separate meal times.  I also began giving a snack about halfway between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner and offering water at these times.  They way I found that worked for me was to just slowly decrease the time between the milk and solid meals until they were together.  The best advice with snacks is just to keep it small- it is just to tide your lo over until the next meal, it is not a meal its self.   :)

Don't stress him drinking less milk.  It is normal.  You will probably also notice a drop in solids too.  Little ones eat so much their first year of life and after one it drops pretty dramatically.  :)

Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: Doesn't show any interest in holding his sippy himself!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2007, 19:50:52 pm »
Sorry Lena, missed your post yesterday :-[ anyhow...

...Eryn's eat schedule for(ever I think) has been like this:

5.30am bf (back to sleep)
7.30am solid breakfast & water in sippy
10.30am milk (snack)
11am nap
12.30pm solid lunch & water in sippy
3pm milk (snack)
4.30pm solid tea & water in sippy
6.30pm bf (bed)

Just an example of how 3 meals and 2 snacks can fit into a day!

Alison x