Author Topic: Trying to find an EASY to be fair for 4mth vs taking DS1 to nursery. times clash  (Read 674 times)

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Offline 15milner

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OH I'm in such a muddle.  I'm about to ramble so please bear with me as I try and sort out EASY for Andrew (4mths tomorrow)

Basic problem.
Nursery for Matthew 9-11.30 
We leave the house 8.53 and I'm back by 9.11 (walking with DS2 in pram)
To collect I can just about leave 11.25 and be back 11.45

How do I make things fair for Andrew's sleep.  Given that I've always read that that first nap of the day is one of the best and I'd love that one to  be one in bed rather than being trollied around in the pram.  KWIM.

Last week....
Bed 7 / 7.30pm
df around 11
E 3am
wakes 6.45 - bring him into bed and feed / doze together until alarm at 7. 
finish feeding 7.45 - once I've got dressed / dealt with DS 1 etc.
 Make it there and back to nursery still awake
S - 9.15  (then may only sleep till 10  (ie short nap - v overtired)or once or twice - until I need to wake for a feed around 10.45)

If he woke at 10 - I was never too sure what time to do feed / but he is still at best going for next nap about 1.5hrs later (ie 11.30 when I need to be at nursery, so sometimes - dashed to nursery and back in time to put in cot, or did errands and then he only got 45 mins in pram - when to feed / sleep problems again!)

This week I've tried something different.
night feed - 3.30/4
Waking 6-6.30 this week!
Brought him into bed, cos I don't want him waking DS1.  feed and doze together. but dont really want to start this as a habit.
7.00 - finish feeding - but not that hungry - no idea how much he took when feeding in bed etc.
S 7.30, but I need to wake again at 8.45
E 9.30 - but not that hungry because its only been 2 hrs
A until 10.15 then put in bed in vain attempt that might get just about 1hr sleep before having to wake him to collect from nursery!  He goes to sleep quite easily at this time after being awake for 1.5 hrs.

After that my head hurts trying to work out eating and sleep times. Today it went
E - 12.15
S - 1.30 - 3.30
E - 3.30
A  - 3.30 - 5.45
catnap (just about) - 5.45 - 6.15
E - 7
bed 7.30

looking at it - the pm's not too bad.

I'm a bit frustrated that he's not going longer from 4-6am.  If he could just make it from 4 - 7.15, then he could have a 2hr awake, and be back in bed for 9.15 for 1.5hrs.  (is it df impacting on this perhaps - also df prob not helped by the fact that he wakes fully, then is awake for almost 1hr at that time - he's too busy chatting to himself (or worse dh chatting to him, he can't help it as Andrews so cute is what he says!!)

I don't like the fact that this week I'm having to wake him from 2 naps to go to nursery.  He's SO NOT impressed when I wake him at 11.20.

There are pros and cons to both ones I've tried.  also my Y time is diminished on last weeks version especially if he only has 40 mins since THAT's IT for the day and I'm not doing too well patience-wise by the end of the day. 

I've decided I don't like Matthew going to mornign nursery - its upset MY little ways of doign things like getting the chores done.

If you've got to the end and you're not completely muddled too and have an idea of what I could do to tweak things to make things fairer for Andrew (and ME!).  Thank you!!

« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 21:38:07 pm by 15milner »

Offline Nish :)

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Hiya Alex!!

How's Matthew doing??  Funny that our LO's are the same age and I'm facing this same problem!!  DS1 though is in school from 8:30 - 3:30.  As such, I've worked him out on a wonky 4 hour EASY.  He can stay awake for 2 hours, but when we're driving home from school, he gets dozy and then can't make it to 2 hours.  I've found that after a week or so of fussing, he's getting better at transferring from carseat to crib if he's dozed for 10 minutes or so.  And I sing LOUDLY in the car to keep him up as long as I can.
Here's our day ...

6:45ish wake - bf at 7:15
7:40 leave for school
8:30 falling asleep and home by 8:45 so I transfer.
10:30 - wake and bf
12:30 - sleep
2:30 - wake and bf - leave to pick up DS1
4:30 - catnap (sometimes this becomes 5 instead if he dozed on the way home from picking up DS1)
5:45 - wake and bf
7:45 - bath, top up and bed
10:30ish - df
3 am - feed

So not exactly what you're working with, but hope it kinda helps???  Maybe try some of those toys that you put on the back seat to entertain him?  Loud music, talking???  Just some thoughts :) :)

Maalik Hussein ~ May 03, 2004

Zain Hasan ~ May 21, 2007