my 8mos. old slept all night from 7weeks of age. a month ago we went to the beach and her teeth came in exact time. schedule a little off...then went to beach 2 weeks ago...schedule a little off, but tried to keep it, but right b/4 we left, waking up at night. i gave her water , she downed a bottle sometimes, so tried to up during the day. well, back from the beach 2 days ago and since been back, she wakes up at night. she took an entire bottle at 12:30pm, woke up 2-3x, i would go in, put pacifier in mouth and she go back to sleep (possibly a prop w/ pacifier...what can i do..pu/pd??). so today trying to up formula. she took formula but not eating much solids. does formula hold them up more that solids? should i give rice cereal for dinner or carrots, etc. instead. just trying to get input and sleep. last night, she woke up at 5:30am, but i put her back down and slept until 7am. sorry so full of questions, i am low on sleep.
usually routine:
6am wake and bottle