Well, our days change all the time - mainly because dd is at a sitter's in the morning through the week and then with me in the pm, however, I'll post what the sitter tells me she does (which doesn't always seem to be real accurate - she has quite a few babies to watch).
A 6:30
E 6:45
A 6:45 - don't really know - seems different everyday because it's at the sitters solids sometime in here
S 10ish sometimes it's later - in fact a lot of times it is later, but on a good day she sleeps around this time
E 10:45 - again the sitter does this, and there are MANY days when I pick her up around noon there are still oz left for this bottle, I just feed her again before her pm nap and that seems to do ok
A 10:45-1:30ish solids somewhere in here
S 1:30ish-3:30ish sometimes a little later depending upon when the last bottle was and when the nap actually started, but this is usually a pretty good 1.5-2hr nap
E 3:30ish sometimes part of this bottle is right before the pm nap - just depends on how hungry she seems and how close it is to 3:30 before the nap
A 3:30-6 solids somewhere
E 6ish -last bottle
S by 7 typically again depending on when she woke up from the pm nap. Earlier if nap ended earlier.
Hope that helps. It is so hard to put down on paper, because the only day that I see an entire schedule without interruptions is Saturdays. Hard to adjust things just based on how saturday goes iykwim! HTH!