Author Topic: 11 month old refusing PM nap..... NOW HE'S REFUSING THE AM NAP... ARGH... HELP!!  (Read 5398 times)

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I'm going to get the link for WI/WO for you.This is used for toddlers who are experiencing sleep difficulties.Many ladies have used and with great success.The link goes into a lot of detail  so i'll let it do the explaining!!!

In regards to crying and when to leave them.well i know when sasha is doing a mantra cry or what i call a whiny cry.i'm happy to leave her as its not something i need to intervene with.if i ever felt that the cry was escalating or she was sounding upset then i wouldn't hesitate to go in.
If she was just playing ,talking to herself etc then i don't go in.Sasha will do that at bedtime and sometimes at naps.If i go in then i'd be doing that all night!!You can't make them sleep and if they are happy to stay in their bed/cot then leave them be.

Yes i have done when accidental parenting when sasha has been ill or very OT.because she needs it at that point i do it knowing that when she is better i will have to get back on track.of course you can get caught in the trap of doing it too long and you just have to bit the bullet and go for sleep training.

Skatty-Sasha dropped down to 1 nap when she was 13 months and i'd say it probably took about 2months for the complete was just a case of finding the right nap time and length.we were very lucky with sasha as she transitioned very well.

Hope you all had a better weekend



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Offline skatty

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Thanks for that Andrea, you give me hope that maybe this wont be so bad  ;) Leorah dropped the catnap herself at 5 months no problem and just started having an earlier bedtime. Perhaps because she has never been a consistant napper I will find the transition no different to normal nap life as I never know what to expect anyway lol!! Aren't I optimistic  ;D

BTW Sarah, WI/WO has been brilliant in our house for NWs. I now realise I used to intervene much too quickly and actually stimulate Leorah. If she wakes now it only usually takes 2 WI/WOs before she gives up and goes back to sleep  :)

Offline jfbd6805

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Hey girls - well Jack sttn last night (yay) and he woke up HAPPY (so nice to hear him babbling in his room rather than waking up crying like he has been). He is down for his AM nap since 9:30 and its almost 11 now... I know, bit naughty to let him sleep but we have a lot to do this afternoon so DH and I decided to just let him sleep this morning and fly by the seat of our pants this afternoon. Hopefully he'll take another nap but who knows?

Regarding the crying at night... its not his mantra cry. He has a very distinct mantra cry. But it did seem like he went from mantra to annoyed cry. When I went to him his cry escalated to stuck pig screaming cry (KWIM?) It was wierd. He has done it before when he had a cold and was stuffy and he did sound a bit congested that night. I think I have been doing WI/WO without even realizing it! I just started to feel l like a hostage doing PUPD b/c he would not let me get out of the room and I felt like I disturbed him when I left the room.

Anyway he's up... so that's 1.5 hours.


Offline danielina76

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I was introducing a new topic, but I see that we have the same problem! Could help knowing that you are not alone? This helps me!!
My DD will have 11 mo on the 15th of October. She started 1 mo ago to jump the afternoon nap, not everyday...sometimes. Now we are definitevely on 1 nap. I can say you how I understood that she was ready for 1 nap: when I managed to have two naps, she woked up very cranky from the second one and was impossible to put her to bed before 10.30 pm, crazy!
We have an A time of around 5 hs, in the morning she seems tired before, but if I try to put her to bed she resists and then jumps the afternoon nap. So I keep her awake till lunch, and put her down after lunch. Usually we have 2,5 hs nap, sometimes less (also 1,5 hs) but she resists the 2nd nap anyway. In this case I move the bed time forward.
Hoping this could help!!

Offline SarahCH

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Thanks so much Andrea for the link to WI/WO.

One more specific question: If your babe is standing up when you go in, should you lay him down, or just say the phrase? It's the getting up in the crib that keeps him awake I think, but laying him down infuriates him, which is part of his growing ownership of his body, I understand.

And is WI/WO a good idea for early waking too?

Thanks Daniela for your experience. I am wondering if I need to keep my babe up a little longer in the a.m., but not too long either.

Good to know that this is not our own, unique struggle!



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Is he able to get himself back down? Sasha could at that age so I didn't lay her down. you are probably right that the act of laying him down is probably annoying him due to his increased mobility.So basically if you are happy that he is not going to hurt himself (ie fall over) then i wouldn't lie him down let him do it himself (thats just from my experience with sasha!!).

And yes WI/WO is good for early wakings as well.lots of mums have used it for that as probably won't make him sleep longer in the morning but will help him start to understand that when he does wake early he can quite happily stay in his cot.
Also I'll just mention that on the toddler sleep forum there is a support thread for mums doing WI/WO which people have found great and helps them through the first difficult few days!!
Do you think his crying at night is being caused by his teeth hurting?
But great news about his night sleep!!

Offline SarahCH

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Thanks Andrea,

today was much better. Kind of combined WI/Wo with some pu/pd, wierd combo, but it worked. It showed me that as he's up longer, he needs help winding down, even though he doesn't seem unhappy. Staying and singing and patting him seemed to help him, and during the day, nursing does... I will check out the WI//WO thread and find out how others are faring.
I'm sure that it's just for the change in his routine, and that once he's getting a good midday nap, he won't need the help again. I love the BW for this understaning, that we can help our babies through transitions, and not leave them to fend for themselves!

Sarah :)


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BW has been a godsend for me :-* :-* :-*.its so nice to come on here and offer support.or when its not going so well other mums can relate!!
Just think, in a month or so you'll be helping other mums through the same thing ;)

Offline jfbd6805

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Well, I have decided I just don't know what's going on anymore!!! So, the past two days Jack has taken TWO NAPS of 1.5 hours + each and STTN. Not that I am complaining mind you. I just don't understand whether we are transitioning to one nap now or not. I probably just jinxed the whole thing.

He has been fully awake when I put him down for naps and bed. He is still super wriggly during nap routine. He cries an annoyed sort of cry when I  put him down for his naps and bed but then settles himself, talks to his toys (new development) and then goes to sleep. I just HOPE this keeps up.

Do you think I should keep trying to transition him to one nap? I am doing 3.5 hours A, then 4, then 2.5-ish. I have been letting him sleep his old nap time of 1.5 hours. Do you think that is risky? Should I be waking him after an hour? This does push out the PM nap till quite late (3pm) and today he slept from 3:15 - 5pm. I know 5 is quite late.


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To be honest if his naps are much better and he is sleeping through the night don't change it.he still sounds like he needs two naps.
as long as his overall sleep is ok and he is happy and content on that amt of sleep then leave it be for the time being :-*

Offline skatty

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Hi everyone  :)

I agree with Andrea, while he takes the naps stick with them, sounds like he has caught up from his OT, that's great  ;D

Leorah is also doing really well with her long AM nap (1-1˝hrs) and then 40 min PM nap and is also STTN. She has a really bad cold with a chesty cough now so her sleep isn't deep and restorative but she is doing the best she can  :)

I hope everyone else has had a good weekend with good naps   :)