thanks guys for your help. I did have her on follow on formula, but changed her back to the reflux one when she started to wake twice a night
. She is getting 4 bottles per day, but is so active that she won't take them in one sitting (too busy looking for her 2.5yr brother).
Paula, over the last coupleof days our routine has been looking like the one you posted so at least I know I am on the right track
. She went to bed last night at 7:30pm and didn't actually wake today until 5:15am. We gave her a drink and she went back to sleep and it is now 6:50am and she is still asleep. I have a feeling she is going through a growth spurt (she is cruising around the furniture) and maybe it is coming to an end now as she slept a little later.
Thanks again everyone for your help. I guess after having a DS (who is now 2.5yrs) who has been an early waker since he was ths age, I was hoping not to have another one
. I know that is not very fair of me
Anyway, thanks again for your help. You have all been so helpful