Author Topic: how to start cereal  (Read 988 times)

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how to start cereal
« on: September 24, 2007, 11:02:06 am »
Hi I was considering starting my 4.5 month old on a bit of cereal but just wondering when I should do it.  I am also hoping it will help her to sleep through the night better her scedule now is she has feeds at
and dreamfeed at 9-10

so I should I offer the cereal at 4, also is it true it helps them to sleep better at night? 


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Re: how to start cereal
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 11:05:11 am »
Hi there, solids to help night sleeps are imo a total myth.  My DD was on solids at 4 months (due to reflux) and she never slept well until 7 months old. I truly wish it had worked, i believe sleep throughs happen when your lo is developmentally ready.  Sure, they may not wake up as much for food per se, but the wake ups that seem to happen for no apparent reason (or as a result of OT) will continue regardless.

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Re: how to start cereal
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 12:36:23 pm »
Hi there!

I would say you definitely need another bottle/BF between 11am and  4pm and 9pm.  You may want to aim for 7a, 11a, 3p, 6p, DF at 10-11pm.  You may also consider cluster feeding - Im not sure when her bedtime is but - do your 3pm feeding, give a 6pm feeding, then offer another feeding 30-15m before her bedtime (not making it part of her routine mind you), then do your DF at 10ish.  Trying to get in as much milk as you can before you go to bed may help a lot.

Its recommended to start solid foods at 6m.  This is because most often baby is lacking enzymes in the tummy to digest any except for BM or formula.  Most often when we introduce solids before baby is physically ready for them, tummy upset occurs (gas, loose poo, pain/discomfort). 

Formula or BM has far more calories, fat, protein - all the things baby needs to grow properly.  Solids pale in comparison.  I agree with Emma, that giving cereal helps baby sleep longer - if this happens I would bet it is a mere coincidence.   You will want to offer as much milk as she can take, and then use solids to fill in any hunger gasps in between those milk feedings - this usually occurs at 6-8m.

At 6m, when you do start solids, it is rec to start in the AM so you can monitor her for adverse effects, and not disrupt night time sleep with tummy issues if the arise.  You would usually give 1 tsp dry cereal (we used oatmeal baby cereal - rice seemed to make him too gassy) mixed with BM or formula to make a loose consistency.  We did this for about a week or so before giving more.  We didn't have a third "meal" til 8m because the meal filled him up, making him drink less formula and he started waking in the night for food.

Anyhow, naturally its a personal choice.  These are my thoughts based on what worked for us and what is recommended.  Good Luck!!  :)

« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 12:39:36 pm by Zoey »

...its what you do when you get back up.

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Re: how to start cereal
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2007, 18:52:00 pm »
Gotta agree with the pps really, here's a link to an external site about why it is recommended to wait until 6 months before introducing solids if at all possible:

as you'll see it's the current opinion of many organisations!

Milk is the superfood!

btw, my dd#2 didn't sleep thru the night until 14 months, 8 months after starting solid foods, so the 2 things are not necessarily linked!

Alison x

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Re: how to start cereal
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2007, 14:32:23 pm »
I am wondering if anyone has advice for my sis-in law.  She has a 3 mo. old and wants to start him on solids now because she feels like he's drinking too much formula.  Since I BFE I'm really no help but I keep telling her to wait until he's at least 4 mo.  She says he eats over a can of formula a day (26 oz +). He's on a 4 hour schedule and still wakes once a night. 

Offline Zoey

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Re: how to start cereal
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2007, 15:40:23 pm »
It's rec to wait until 6m, this allows the gut time to mature and gain the enzymes needed to digest things other then formula/BM.  Otherwise, tummy upset of all kinds may result.  26oz isn't all that much I've seen it rec 28-32oz in 24h.  I would rec she give baby as much as he wants at each feeding, every four hours.  Also, it isn't at all uncommon to have a night feeding, or two at 3m old, in my experience many babies drop the night feedings when ready, given they are being offered as much formula during the day hours as they want.  A DF may also be helpful.

Good Luck!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 15:42:00 pm by Zoey »

...its what you do when you get back up.