Author Topic: Sudden Night Wakings 18 mo  (Read 996 times)

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Offline yorkshire

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Sudden Night Wakings 18 mo
« on: September 28, 2007, 12:41:48 pm »

I did PUPD with my ds at 6 months and it worked fantastically (thank you all who supported me then).  Since then he has slept through the night, only waking occasionally due to illness or perhaps nightmare.  Such wakings have only happened for 1 or at most 2 nights (when due to illness or teething).

A few days ago ds began to have a rash on his body but no other symptoms except a bit unhappy.  The doctor said it was a mild rash caused by a non-specific virus and that he would be fine.  Also over the last 4 nights (whilst he has the rash) he has been resistent to going to sleep and has been waking in the night at different times.

When he used to put himself back to sleep he now seems to be having trouble.  He starts off whining or calling 'mummy' and then it turns into a full cry if I don't go in.  I have been waiting till he is crying (but not totally screaming) lying him back down if he is standing or rubbing his chest if he is lying and saying 'its ok, its time for sleep, go back to sleep' and leaving the room.  I have repeated this several times but he cries more and more quickly when I leave.  As he is starting to talk he is also asking for a drink.  I have let him have one drink of water (I bring the cup to the cot in the dark) and then lie him down and repeat the reassurance.  The crying has been becoming so regular and intense when I leave the room that I have resorted to staying in the room but hiding out of view on the floor in the dark between reassurances as the process of opening and closing the door seems to be disturbing him further.  He finally falls asleep on his own but I am in the room.  I wait until he is in a deep sleep and then leave the room (when I don't wait long enough he sometimes wakes up).

I am pretty worried that a bad habit has formed (though the wake up times vary) but because the rash has not completely gone I don't know how strict to be or how to get back on track.  Last night I gave him medicine before his bath and he went to sleep more peacefully than previous nights and didnt' wake till 3am whereas it had been around 11pm or midnight the previous 3.  So I don't know if he is in pain.  He does seem to like the power he exerts by asking for a drink and getting it though so I am worried about what to do there.

Generally I feel very scared about night wakings being back after it had been generally so good since the inital sleep training.

Sorry if this is similar to other posts.  I read lots and the advice was reassuring but couldn't find anything that seemed quite exactly the same and it all seems to be in the details.

His routine btw is:

6ish Wake
6.30 Breakfast
12 Lunch
1 Nap for 1 to 2.5 hours
5.30 Dinner
7 Bath, milk, story
7.30 Bed

Offline momofclaire

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Re: Sudden Night Wakings 18 mo
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2007, 00:13:50 am »
I am sorry you are having a bout of trouble. 
Do you think the rash could be itchy?  I tend to relax a little routine wise when Claire is sick but I also try to not do too much AP.   :-\   
Is it possible that he is having a bit of separation anxiety?  That would be very normal for his age.  Generally gradual withdraw helps with that. 
Did the doctor have any advice as far as what other symptoms he may have or how long the virus would last?
Hugs.  Don't worry too much, I am sure the nightwakings won't last.
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Offline yorkshire

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Re: Sudden Night Wakings 18 mo
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2007, 19:50:28 pm »
Thanks for your good words.  The doctor didn't seem to think he had any other symptoms and I don't think the rash is itchy though maybe it is sore but there are no definite signs that it is.  She didn't say how long it would last but he still has it after 5 days now.
Last night he woke but put himself back (apparently - my dh was on duty last night!).  But I don't feel so hopeful tonight as he was very upset going to sleep.  I had to go in many times to reassure him before he went off when usually he goes off on his own.  I had also thought it could be separation anxiety but wasn't sure if that was normal at this age so thanks for mentioning it as a possibility.

I suppose I just need to keep at it and see how it goes once he is better.  I know a few nights of waking doesn't seem like much but I also have bad insomnia since he started sleeping all night so I feel the broken nights quite a lot more than I did in his early days.

Thanks for your advice.

Offline momofclaire

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Re: Sudden Night Wakings 18 mo
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2007, 23:03:58 pm »
I would wait couple of days to see if the rash and virus go away and then the nightwakings stop.  I would guess you might be dealing with SA.  Do you notice that he is more clingy during the day?

I know all about insomnia.  ::)  I struggle with it off and on myself.  UGH!
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