Just looking for a little advice here after a month of night wakenings and early wake ups. DD was a great sleeper, our old routine was
7.30 Wake up, if she woke before she was happy to sing in bed and wait for us
13.00 bed and asleep by 13.30
14.30 Woke her up
19.40 Bed and Asleep by 20.30
Since she dropped her nap we have numerous night wakenings and they can be at any time. When I go in it can be for anything, her bears need tucking in, she needs tucking in, she is hungry,she wants a sticker etc etc. She is also now awake for the day and crying at 6.45 am and is no longer happy to wait. She is getting pretty overtired and so am I . I have talked to her over and over about not calling out, explained when she complains that she is tired why she is tired, have tried a sticker chart, worked for 3 nights and she got her prize, then didnt work for the next 2. I dont know if I should forget this idea or not?
She is also in pre school 4 days a week and is super tired when she gets home. Trying to get quiet time is impossible I did try first her bed with books, she spent the time in and out to the loo, then in my bed with me, was the same and then she started asking to go to my bed at night so I had to knock that on the head. I put a dvd on for her and try to get her to lie on the couch, but then she sings along with it and of course cant sit still.
Bed time is now upstairs and in bed for story by 7.15pm and lights out by 7.30 when she usually goes to sleep pretty quickly.
Is there anything else I can do? Should I stop talking about the fact that she is up during the night? She almost seems proud of having gotten me up as she tells it to dh in the morning, going to try getting dh to settle her tonight.
Will her night sleep eventually start to lenghten again?