Ok, here's his routine
Awake and E 7am
A 7:15-8:30
E 10:30
A 10:45-12:00
S 12:00-1:30 or 2 (especially if up a lot last night)
E 2:00
A 2:15- 3:30 or 4
S around 3:45
E 4:30 + rice cereal started last week
A including bath time
S 7pm
This is the usual routine. Sometimes we have trouble having the evening nap and it only lasts 20 mins or so, as long as he's up by 4:30 or 4:45 at the latest. My LO is 5.5 months old and is BF, except for his DF @ 10:15 (he wakes if we wait any longer). The night time usually goes something like this- wakes at 1:30 - goes down easily (usually paci). Wakes at 2:30, more awake and doesn't go back down. Shh/pat until 3:30 or 4 at which point I usually feed him out of desperation (he is hungry though). Sometimes he goes back to sleep after eating, sometime not. The 'not' times are the worse and his crying continues to escalate and he's up until 4:30 or sometime 5 and ends up crying and falling asleep out of exhaustion. By the 4 am time, nothing settles him, even picking him up. This is the time I feel most desperate and I swear the next night were going to start Ferberizing him!! He's crying himself to sleep anyways! I just don't feel like I'm getting results, except for the naps during the day. I'm feeling so out of control!!!
Thanks for your help,