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Offline Sinnet78

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« on: October 03, 2007, 16:34:58 pm »
I posted below about my "issues" with dd sleeping. SHe's 14 wks old. Here's the latest. She was getting tired, I read her cues, so I got her ready in her room to go down for a nap. She fusses--even for naps-- so I did the shush-pat thing and within 5 mins she settled down, within 10 mins she fell asleep. I then waited 20 more minutes before putting her in her crib. She was FAST ASLEEP snoring and everything. As soon as I laid her down her eyes popped open and she did NOT fall asleep. She's awake now stirring in her crib upstairs and I just feel like I'm going nuts! I can't keep spending 30 mins doing this only to have her keep waking up each and every time! So now she's going to get overtired which just makes everything even worse. I can't stand this. I don't know why it's so hard and I don't know what I'm doing wrong! It is SO FRUSTRATING going thru the whole process only to get NOWHERE and have to do it all over again and again and again. What am I doing wrong? :(

Offline Sarah - Enfys' Mum

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 19:41:19 pm »
Shh pat is meant to be done in the crib - when you put her down asleep, it's like all of a sudden she feels weightless or something and then pops awake.  So you need to do your wind down routine put her in the crib awake and go from there.  Good luck - it's not easy but it does work!

Offline linfran

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2007, 19:44:39 pm »
Sending a hug - and please leave your hair alone because when it does that freaky post-pregnancy-moulting routine you'll really wish you hadn't!

Sounds like you're getting the idea but I agree with pp - if you can get her into the crib settled but awake it really helps.

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2007, 20:04:17 pm »
I agree, we did patt/shhh in the crib too.  Make sure before your lo gets too tired that you are already doing quiet time (wind down time) then move to the nap routine...set the stage for the nap.  You want to make sure you hit the window right on.  Then do patt/shh in the crib.  There were so many time when I wanted to give up but I kept on going and from 3 months on we didn't have to do anything at bedtime except give her a kiss and walk away (after we did the bedtime routine of course) and from 6 months on the same happened at nap time.  From that moment on things have been amazing and I am fully enjoying my Y time (not that stuff didn't happen, but teaching independent sleep make all of the things that will happen that much easier to deal with).  Don't give up.  I promise you things WILL get easier.  With anything, it will just take time and patients and consistency on your part!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


Here are a few links to help you out some..
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline Sinnet78

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2007, 20:27:54 pm »
Ok, so shh-pat is to be done IN the crib. She goes from 0-60 really fast. She won't be "settled" in her crib...unless that just means awake and not hysterical? So I put her on her side against a towel and pat her and shh her...and she's just supposed to fall asleep? She is so upset at the thought of going to sleep that I take her and hold her and do the shh-pat. I really don't see her falling asleep to me patting and shushing her while she's in her crib, but i'll try it again. Then if she cries and gets upset, I pick her up and do the shh-pat thing on my shoulder?

I don't really have a routine I guess. I started this morning when she woke up at 8am. I fed her from 8-8:30ish.. then we went on to the A part. We sat and read some books together when I noticed she was yawning, rubbing her eyes and getting fidgety. I got excited that I was noticing her cues so I put the books away and held her and did the shh-pat thing (now I'll try it first in her crib). It wasn't working well (getting upset) so I put her in her swing at 9am and she fell asleep after about 5 mins. She slept til 10:30. It wasn't time to eat yet and she was entertaining herself in her swing so I left her there until 10:45. Took her out then and we played until 11:15. Then I fed her until 11:45ish, tried to keep her awake by reading her a book again (I knew she was tired), again she gave cues so I held her and did the shh-pat thing at noon. She fell asleep, so after 25 mins of sitting with her, I went to put her in her crib. She woke up and got upset. So now it's around 12:45. I pick her back up, calmed her down, shh-pat her again..she falls asleep after 30 mins this time so I put her back in her crib, she wakes up and gets upset. By this time I was getting aggravated...  I fed her again around 2:30 b/c she'd gotten hysterical and I couldn't calm her down.. hubby is home trying to give me breaks. It's driving me nuts! She's asleep now, but in her swing-- that's the only place we could get her to sleep.

I feel so overwhelmed by this. I don't know why she's having such difficulty going to sleep.

Thanks for listening to my rambling. Next time I try to put her down I'll try shh-patting her in her crib first, but I'm not optimistic it'll work. It's like she knows sleep time is coming and she gets very, very upset.


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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2007, 22:34:16 pm »
You don't have to lay her on her side.  We modified patt/shh to work for us and you can to.  My daughter slept on her back at that time and we just laid our hand on her chest/belly and gently jiggled her with some pressure.  We also didn't do the Shhh part of it after she got more use to it.

You should try laying her down drowsy but awake.  If she falls asleep being held she will most likely always wake up when you put her down as she will feel a different sensation and the feeling of weightlessness will be gone so it will wake her up.

There will be some crying during this process and that is ok...there really isn't a way to avoid it completely Just stay with her. She will get use to it but with whatever you do you really need to be consistant and both you and your hubby need to be on the same page and do things the same way or it will only confuse her and make her more agitated as she won't know what's going on, iykwim.  What I would do is come up with a plan and stick to it for a few days (give any thing you try at least 3-5 days to see results).  This won't be fixed in one shot.  It can take weeks especially since she is use to being put in the swing and being held to sleep.  She has been doing that for awhile so it can only be expected that it will take a good while for her to adjust to something else. She just trying to figure out all this new stuff and with your wonderful help, she'll get there.  Just give her time.

I would really, really try to not give in and put her in the swing.  It's not fair to her or to you all as it makes all the hard work you just put in go out the window and then the next time it will be even harder to get her to go to sleep in the crib because she'll remember that the last time she was eventually put in the swing. 

You are doing a great job!  Keep up the great work.

Good luck! 
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2007, 22:37:36 pm »
I forgot to ask....have you taken the GET TO KNOW YOUR BABY QUIZ?

If not, here it is...

This will help you figure out what your specific lo needs as all lo's are different and their sleep needs sometimes depend on what kind of baby they are....spirited, touchy, textbook, angle, etc. 

How long does your lo stay up each A time? 
How many hours a day does your lo usually sleep?
How much night time sleep is your lo getting? 

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline Sinnet78

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2007, 01:26:30 am »
Thanks Melissa for your words of wisdom. :) Here's what we did tonight. After being awake almost all day, she fell asleep around 4 and woke at 6:30 at which point we gave her a quick bath then at 7pm I fed her as that seems to calm her, then I played with her a little, took her up to her room and got her ready to wind down for bed. I swaddled her and read her a book, dimmed the lights. She was tired so I laid her in her crib. She started crying so I started the pat-sh thing and she kept shrieking for 15 mins maybe. Hubby came in and took her out and sh-pat her while holding her. She calmed down so we put her back in her crib. She got upset, and we pat-shushed her in her crib. She'd fall asleep then wake and whimper then fall back asleep. FINALLY, after 1 hr of this she fell asleep. THANK GOD. Now she's been asleep 30 mins. That was exhausting! Even though it only took an hour, it was exhausting. Both hubby and I were doing it together too. Hopefully it gets easier.

I took the know your baby quiz-- apparently she's a Touchy baby. She is usually only awake 1 hr 30 mins, 30 mins of which is feed time, so about 1 hr of activity give or take. In a 24 hr period she sleeps about 13hrs....though not these past couple days as we've been trying to break the rock to sleep thing. She sleeps typically 5 hrs at night, then another 3, though a couple nights ago it was 8hrs straight and she's had several 6-7-8hr stretches in the past 3 weeks. Mostly though, it's 5hrs.

I'm exhausted! Hopefully we won't have to go through this all again soon...she's usually easier during the night to put right back to sleep after eating.

Thanks again for you help.

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2007, 01:44:20 am »
You are welcome.

Good job tonight.  Keep it up and she'll start figuring it all out.  Just keep telling yourself....things will get easier, things will get easier...this is worth it....this is worth it! 

1 hour 30 minutes of A time is not bad at all.  Most lo's don't move to 2 hours of A time until at least 4 months of age, some closer to 5 months.  No rush!

Just make sure you have a good wind down time and nap time routine/bed time routine before each nap and before bedtime to help ensure that your lo is fully ready for the nap.  If your is overstimulate or going down too late then it will make it harder all around.

Do you do a dream feed? 


I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline Sinnet78

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2007, 01:51:21 am »
Yes...I do not have a nap time routine and the bedtime routine is coming (usually it just involves swaddling and screaming!). For nap time she was taking great 2hr naps twice a day.. She'd get tired and I'd put her in her swing. She'd fuss and yawn for maybe 5 mins then fall asleep. I don't know if I can go w/o the swing and not drive myself completely crazy! If this EASY plan is to work, can she never use her swing again??

Dreamfeed... No... She refuses a bottle (and a pacifier) so I get up when she wakes to eat. I couldn't imagine waking her to eat...I fear it'd be another struggle to get her back to sleep. I struggled with bfing in the beginning and she basically just had a bottle for almost 4 weeks while I kept trying to bf. Then right before 4wks she suddenly got it. Now I have an oversupply and she "forgot" how to drink from a bottle! ugh....

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2007, 02:19:07 am »
With the dreamfeed you don't wake them!  You just go in there, pick her up out of the crib and feed her in her sleep.  It's a way to help them sleep longer though the night. 

A question and answer section with Tracy Hogg (a blurb from one of the FAQ's boards)

Q:  Is it important, if you want to try the dream feed, to keep it up if you don’t see results right away?

T:  Yes, this is a good point to clarify, and it’s another one that needs consistency.  Nothing here is a “quick fix,” if you try it one night and the baby still wakes to eat, keep doing it at the same time every night – after several days or a week, they may drop that middle of the night feed on their own.  And again, if they don’t and they’ve taken a good feed at the dream feed, then you know it’s a habit and can start working to phase it out.

We have to teach them to sleep through, but we also have to make sure they’re getting the calories – because parents will ask me, “How do I know she isn’t hungry?”  And if she’s taken 6 ounces, say, at the dream feed, or a regular number of minutes at the breast, then you know.

And remember, for an infant, “sleeping through” means one missed feed.  So if you’re doing a dream feed at 11, then sleeping until 5am is sleeping through.  And I’m being perfectly honest when I say that there hasn’t been one family that I’ve worked with, either here or in the U.K., where the baby wasn’t sleeping through like this by about 12 weeks or so.  And if you’ve got a healthy baby, there’s no reason why you don’t start working toward that from day one.  But to do that you’ve got to work on it during the day, making sure they’re taking good, regular feeds during the day, paying attention to the appetite spurt periods during the day.

And in that 3-6 month range, they should start to be physically asleep from 7 to 7, with a dream feed at around 10 or 11.  And in the E.A.S.Y. routine, there’s no “A”, no activity after any evening feeds that come after bedtime – this is a good time to decide what you want your child’s bedtime to be, and then any feeds after that time are just eating and then straight back down.

*****I think while you are in the process of teaching sleep it is best to not use the swing as it will only confuse her and she won't know what she is suppose to do. 

The only nap you should really use the swing, if at all, is the throw away cat nap at the end of the day! 

Here's how to wean the swing...

Q:  To jump to another subject….In your first book, you talk a lot about props, and the importance phasing them out.  The question I think people have is, whether it’s a swing, or rocking, or it’s nursing…what are the techniques, how do I phase it out?

T:  With the swing, it’s to time it, and slow it down.

Q:  So with the swinging, you’d shorten the time and slow it down, and then you’d take them out and put them in the crib; and there’s going to be crying, so you’d do the pu/pd at that point, right?

T:  Yes.  And try to make the crib feel like the swing.  You’ve got to elevate one end of the mattress, and roll up a towel and put it there under the bottom, and then a bigger one under the knees, so their bum’s cushioned, and the knees are elevated.  Then over time you start decreasing the towels.

T:  The thing is to make it an easy road to being a conscious thinker.  “I don’t want this to be a habit; I’m not going to start it.”

Q:  Any last thoughts on sleep?

T:  Just to say and remind that, as parents, we’re shaping and teaching.  We’re their consummate teacher.  And, we know what’s good for them.  We know what happens when a child is sleep-deprived.  So many children are being given drugs like Ritalin now, and the studies now suggest that at least – and this is what’s so horrifying – at least 62% of all children on Ritalin aren’t getting enough sleep.  They were never taught sleep patterns.

Q:  Talk about looking for the “quick fix”!

T:  Yes!  And you know, being a parent is hard work.  I cannot tell you how to savor these years – because the teenage years are coming, and that’s a whole other thing.  Now, we’re teaching, and able to teach, and later it turns, and they have to experience to learn.  All you can hope is that everything you’ve taught them stays within them.  But for now, you do have some way of shaping their life to prepare them for the world.  So enjoy it while you can!

I hope some of this helps!
I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline Sinnet78

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2007, 17:09:51 pm »
If I were to go in and pick up dd for a dream feed, she'd no doubt wake up and my guess is that she'd get upset and be difficult to put down again. :(

Today's not going so well. She was up at 8 after a rough night. I fed her until 8:30, then we tried to do an activity and she strted yawning and rubbing her eyes again! So I tried to settle her down first then I put her in her crib and she started crying. I shush-patted her in her crib and she eventually fell asleep. From start to when I left her room it was 50 minutes. THen, after I left, she woke up and started crying 15-20 mins later! I then ended up feeding her a little more, playing with her a little, then the yawning and eye rubbing and crying started so I took her back upstairs, settled her down, put her into her crib and she starts WAILING! I couldn't keep doing it! Shushing and patting for 45mins-1hr is way too hard! I left and my hubby took over. She's not getting ANY naps in now. Before she would take at elast 2 2hr naps during the day in the swing - one in the morning, one in the afternoon. This is driving me frustrating.. :(

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2007, 04:07:58 am »

Just wanted to encourage you to stick with it and hang in there because it's worth it in the end!!!  You are doing a great job, even though it's so frustrating and hard!  It's a great thing that you have a husband that is willing to help out with all of this...what a gift that is!  Good for you to take some time away and let him take over.  My hubby and I have to do that too.

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Re: I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 11:47:58 am »
Stick with it, it'll be worth it in the end   :-* :-* :-*