Author Topic: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(  (Read 1460 times)

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How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« on: October 06, 2007, 06:51:21 am »

Please Please Please can anyone help me with my routine... i really don't know what's going on and am so exhausted that i'm at breaking point  :'(.  My ds and I made a trip to visit our family in Atlanta.... i travelled alone with him which was tough and tiring in itself.  While we were there the first few days he took time to adjust, then he was okay (slept through) and then was up again at night for the last few days  ???.  Oh... and he hated the food there.

We've been back for two weeks now but we're still having trouble with the nights... he's been waking up and it's taking me around two hours to settle him... only for him to be up an hour or so later.  When he wakes been giving him some water and a cuddle.

This is his routine

6:15/6:30 ish wake ravenous bf
8:00 breakfast
9:15/9:30 Sleep usually approx 45mins/hr
10:30 snack - fruit, avocado, cookies varies
11:45 Lunch (starving)  - was eating a 6oz jar of HIPP organic baby food stage 2 + bit of pudding - decreased it 3 days ago to 4oz + bit of pudd
12:30 nap usually 1.5-2hrs but has been waking at 2pm for the last few days starving for milk
2:30 (when wakes) BF
3:45 snack, as above sometimes a little sandwich
5:00 dinner... similar senario to lunch
6:30 Bath, dress, story then bf
7:00 asleep

Last night he woke at 1am and i offered him milk straight away... had a huge feed off both sides and then fell asleep until 3am woke again... more milk, then 5:30am dh settled him.  The last two nights as soon as he's woke i've offered milk and he's took it and gone back to sleep staight away  :-[  I'm so exhausted i don't know what to do to remedy the situation.

He's recently - started half crawling, bum shuffling around... gets lots of practice in the day and shattered at bedtime
                  - Got really clingy so thought it may be seperation anxiety but actually is okay if just give him milk

Can anyone help.... :'(  I'm sooo sooo tired a couple of nights ago i found myself getting really cross with him  :-[ - i woke up dh and had a bit of a meltdown.  Thursday night i went to bed at the same time as ds and only got up when he did  :-[..... feel sorry for dh, he doesn't know what to do as everytime he goes in he cries until i go and give him milk.  I'm thinking i should give up bf too as i'm so tired and desperate.... ds refuses the bottle but i'm sure with a bit of persistance he'll take it   ???

Offline *Mona*

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2007, 07:44:58 am »

hugs :-*
but you know, when they get more mobile they often become more hungr, which is sooo natural as they are in need of much more energy now. more energy = more food.
so if you want him to sleep better, offer him more food during the day.

I'm no good with jarred food amounts as I cook my dd's soups etc myself BUT I think 4oz of food is not much so why has the amount of the lunch decreased if you say he's starving fo his lunch?

in general the times when you give foo to your LO are ok but maybe the amounts are not enough for him?

and another thing- if his dinner [which I believe is rather a 'bigger' meal?] is only around 1,5~2hrs before bedtime BF, are you sure he's hungry enough to have a decent feed then which would keep him full for the night?
I'd move dinner to 4pm and offer a snack at around 5pm so that he can get hungry before his bedtime feed.


Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

Offline yaya

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 07:45:28 am »
Firstly HUGS
secondly gona throw u fwe ideas your way:
growth spurt?
Are you sleep training? if so what are you doing?
Also your A time before bed seems a little long?

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2007, 07:46:18 am »
re: the eating: what Monika said LOl posted at same time!!

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2007, 07:49:25 am »


Maja - 6 yrs
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Offline hemz80

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2007, 08:20:21 am »

thanks firstly

should have said... cut down his lunch as wasn't drinking milk at 2:30... thought it may help but hasn't  :-[  I'll up everything today.  Tried making some homemade soups for him and pastas etc but wouldn't eat them... put a load in the freezer so may try again today.  His lunch is really his main meal as he fusses at dinner more... he'll eat anything i throw his was at lunch so i'll try the homemade stuff there first!!

What do you think of that 2:30 feed - is it okay now at 9.5mths if that starts to decrease or is not at all?? 

Yaya - no teeth yet but always a possibility!  Growth spurt.... possibility  ::).  No sleep training needed as usually falls asleep on own and has been going for 11/12hrs previously.

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2007, 09:29:48 am »
r the nightwakings maybe habitual now after a growth spurt?

Offline *Mona*

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2007, 11:58:27 am »
re 2:30 feed- well, yes, it can start to decrease at this point. sure he needs his milk but ay almost 10 months it's solids- all those carbs and proteins, what keeps him going through the day.
so don't give up on this middle of the day feed just up his solids and see how he reacts :)


Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)

Offline hemz80

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2007, 12:08:59 pm »
Today so far had
Few bites of porriage for breakfast.... wouldn't eat, all that milk last night!
a quarter avocado, strawberries and half a cookie at 10am,
100mls of homemade chicken casserole + few spoons of banana rice pud at lunch

Not great but okay!

Thanks guys... i'll keep you posted!
Yaya... great picture!

Offline hemz80

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Re: How can he possibly be hungry??? Desperate :(
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2007, 10:39:16 am »
Just a quick update...

Ds went to bed at 6:30 pm yesterday as poor duckie was shattered!  Slept until 2:15am and had a bit of a feed and straight back to bed. Woke up again at 2:30... my head had just hit the pillow and was started to fall asleep  :-[.  Well thought he may have a bit of wind so went in and picked him up and he sort of nuzzled in my arms and started to fall asleep!  It dawned on me at that point that he really just wants to be held to go to sleep when he gets up at night... i can see how it's happened.  When we were in America at my parents he wouldn't eat any solid food and so would get up at night, i was determined not to feed him so he would eat better in the day.... well we had water and cuddles at night and well i think he liked it a bit too much!  I didn't think too much of it at the time but now it's very clear! 

Going to try a bit of pu/pd tonight and start cutting down that feed too.  I'm so pleased that i can finally see what's going on...  ;D.  My MIL called yesterday and was giving me a lecture about how babies Ethan's age should be on formula and that's why he's getting up at night so much  >:( Made me cross and frustrated that i really couldn't work out what was going on!! 

Well in a few days we should be okay again - thanks for the support, i'll keep you posted  :-*