Hi Myia,
Thanks for responding! I have heard such great stuff about this site!
Here's her schedule:
Wake between 6-6:45 am
She then drinks her milk and watches cartoons in my bed while I get ready for work.
7:30 breakfast
8:15 she goes to daycare
9:00 snack
11:30 lunch
Between 12 and 12:30 she goes down for a nap
She will wake anywhere from 1-2:30
3:00 snack
5:30 dinner
7:00 bath
7:30 bed
Her naps at daycare are different every day. She will usually sleep for about an hour on average. She does love it there though
She does not get a bottle at daycare, and they have just this week stop giving her her soother at nap time.
When she's home with me on the weekends I try to keep the same schedule as the daycare for consistency. She goes down for her nap with a bottle, which I started recently because she was screaming when I tried to put her down - I figured I would deal with THAT later. She will sleep for 2-3 hours at home, and she only has the one nap. At night she goes down with the bottle too, and I have to sneak into her room after she's asleep to retrieve it
She has just started to sleep through the night again without the night wakings. I had taken her night light out of her room which seemed to help her sleep through the night.
When she wakes up screaming in the morning I have tried soothing her back to sleep, rocking her back to sleep, and even bringing her into my bed....nothing works, she just wants to be up and starting her day. I don't know if she's over tired, going through separation anxiety, or what!
Tonight when I put her down I decided to put her night light back in room and some soft toys in her crib. Hopefully she will wake up happy tomorrow...
Is that enough info? Thanks for your help