I just wanted to say I know where you're coming from. I started my lo on baby whisperer about the same time as yours, and it takes some time to get into the swing of things. I never used the breast to settle, (since I was bottlefeeding!), so I didn't have to deal with my lo getting used to that not being the way to settle anymore, so that will be harder. But I encourage you to stick with your desire to help him settle other ways. I found that in the beginning, doing shush/pat over the shoulder to get my lo close to asleep worked well, so that by the time I put her in the crib, she WANTED to sleep and although got worked up, let the shush/pat do her thing. This may not work for your lo, but I thought I'd mention that you might find this to be a good alternative to settling with the breast if screaming takes over. That way you can continue to use shush/pat, but also add a little extra comfort of being held when necessary. Just keep at it, and try different wind-downs if you think that might help, and things will get better!!!
hang in there,