Author Topic: Going Crazy!!...13wks daughter not napping very well  (Read 748 times)

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Offline adrianamelie

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Going Crazy!!...13wks daughter not napping very well
« on: October 10, 2007, 19:36:32 pm »

My 13 weeks old daughter is having trouble taking her naps and going to sleep on her own. Well to start with she has reflux and the first 6 weeks of her life were really bad, she was all the time in pain and crying and screaming for long hours then sleeping for 2 to 3 hours and the only way to put her to sleep was rocking, holding or walking and also she wouldn't stay asleep in her crib, bouncer, stroller or anything only in my arms. Around 11 weeks we started to put her in the crib with her pacifier to sleep, but she will always cry a lot, sometimes only fighting a little and going to sleep but after 30 o 40 min she is awake. Now we are to the point when she fights all her naps and the only way for her to sleep longer periods is if I put her in the baby carrier. Usually she wakes up crying after 40 min naps but as soons as I pick her up she is happy but she starts yawning again after 20 min. I've tried putting her to sleep after one hour of beibg awake, no luck, 1.5 no luck either...I don't know what can I do to hepl her. I wanted to buy the MIracle blanket to swaddle her but it says is onley until 4 months so it's kind of too late for that. I'm trying 3Hrs EASY but nothing seems to work. ANy ideas. She sleeps well at night after fighting going to sleep of course, but she goes to bed around 7 pm DF around 10 waking around 6-6:30 am.

Offline yaya

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Re: Going Crazy!!...13wks daughter not napping very well
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 19:41:02 pm »
hi there, first off, HUGS been there (well still am) and got the T-shirt LOL
can u post a detailed routine? Have u ruled out anything medical? reflux? gas? etc? Is anything waking her at this time? Are her naps an exact length? if so u ccould give w2s a go...been known to help.
How is hse going to sleep now?
sorry for all the Qs

Offline adrianamelie

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Re: Going Crazy!!...13wks daughter not napping very well
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 19:53:59 pm »
Yes, she has reflux, she on Prevacid now, she doesn't have pain but still has the reflux coming up. Well, the routine is somehow waking at 6:30ish am, feeding 7:00 activity 'til 7:45 or 8:00am, short nap around 30 or 40 min, trying to get her back to sleep, no luck. Feeding at 10..napping around 11:00 if she didn't fall asleeps while feeding, trying to put her in her crib if asleep, 10 min later awake. fighting going to sleep as soon as she starts yawning...with luck 30 min nap. and the same thing the rest of the day on 3hrs basis feeding. If I put her on the baby carrier she will sleeps 2 to 3 hours, I have to wake her up for feeding. At night around 7:30 going to sleep with a fight, sleeps through the night without problem, only last night woke up at 3am...BF back to sleep 'til 6:30 am. I'm really going nuts...Friday going to the osthepath to see if he can help her.

Offline yaya

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Re: Going Crazy!!...13wks daughter not napping very well
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 19:22:36 pm »
R u swadling her and how is she going to sleep?