Good gawd ladies did you ever think they made babies this grumpy?!
Did my karma take a wicked turn on me or what?! At least theres a few of us out there with grumps on our hands 24/7.
Oh well, what can you do but love em to pieces all their grumpy pieces. hehe
Naps are a bit better but not much and there's still many night wakings. For most of the night wakings it takes forever to get him to sleep. Some times it's his crazy arms waking him up -- can't swaddle my 6 month any more because he's a) he's huge, b) he's strong and c) he's houdini reincarnated (trust me I know exactly how to do a tight swaddle). Or he falls a sleep and wakes up 1 min later (does that a billion times). Or he gets (for some reason only at night time) happy and playful arrggg this is the hardest because he won't fall asleep till at least 2-3 hours later. Or he just works him self up to a crying frenzy and won't sleep. Or he needs his diaper change and then that totally wakes him up -- I can't leave him in the diaper because it's soo heavy and wet or he soiled it. He's learnt from day one he hates a dirty or wet diaper and needs it changed asap.
I know he's overtired... But I can't get him to sleep more. grrrrr he gets grumpy the more the day goes on and unfortunately I run out of steam because I just don't know what he wants. Activity time is so hard some times. What activities can you do with a grumpy baby?! I've tried not over stimulating him and not under stimulating him with no success either way. The only thing he likes to do are these things (and they don't last long either) playing in his crib 5-10 mins, jolly jumper 5-10 mins, reading books 2 mins, walking/dancing 5-8 mins, me playing with a rattle with him 3 mins, going around the house and touching different textures and describing them 5-10 mins, looking in the mirror 2-5 mins... Anything else he hates and cries the moment I try to get him to do something. i don't force things on him and i take it really slow when doing something new or introducing a brand new activity. He certainly calls the shots.
I'm having a hard time also with changing his diaper or putting clothes on him. He loves his naked time and I give it to him (even though he pees everywhere Roll Eyes Wink ), but it's next to impossible trying to put clothes on him or even a diaper -- he screams bloody murder. But he's fine once you pick him up and calm him down.
I love my fussy hot tempered wee babe. Man, it's funny I'm also noticing he's getting quite the temper. He gets soo angry when he's not doing something he wants or something he doesn't like getting done to him and starts doing this (what i like to call his) pterodactyl cry.
oh well i wish us luck with lots of sleep.
Can anyone help?