Author Topic: stubborn 27 month old bedtime battles/night!  (Read 1930 times)

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Offline orchids21

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stubborn 27 month old bedtime battles/night!
« on: October 16, 2007, 12:40:48 pm »
Hi there.  Our son Wyatt is 2 years 3 months old and stubborn as hell.  We would describe him as once being an angel baby but now a spirited (and very stubborn) toddler.  I swear he would chop his own arm off if it meant he got his way.  Anywho, we've been dealing with some bedtime battles and night waking issues these past few months.  Our second son Gavin came along 5 months ago and we figured he was part of Wyatt's reasons for sleep problems.  We had issues of him crying in his room at bedtime and night wakings and WI/WO fixed that. 

Now, it's a whole new ballgame.  He seems to be fighting his naps more often now (3 of past 7 days didn't nap) and bedtime is a constant battle of wills to keep him in his bed and his room.  He seems to always be testing us, as what once worked for a few nights no longer works now.  He constantly wants milk, or hugs, kisses, potty, peepee, poopoo, etc etc.  anything that will get him out of his room.  We use a gate on his door but all he does now is throw his toys, pillow, anything else not tied down in his room over the gate.  He's taken to yelling in loud grunts/screams when we put the gate up.  It has even escalated to him taking off his clothes and training pants and doing his business on his bed/floor and playing with it.  (yuck!)  We always tell him when he goes to nap/bed that if he doesn't stay in bed, the gate goes up, but if he stays in bed the gate won't go up.  (this is after the usual round of kisses/hugs/I love you's/etc).   The minute he gets out of his room, the gate goes up for 5 minutes or until he stops throwing his tantrum.  Then we take the gate down, tuck him back in bed and walk out.  (usually no talking)  Rinse and repeat for about 30 min - 1 hour.  I've nicknamed him Zombie-Wyatt b/c just when you think he's down for the count, 15 min later out of nowhere he'll do one last suicide run down the hall and then usually crash after that. 

Also, he's been getting up lately screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night and coming down the hall to our room.  When we try to ask him what's wrong he just does his grunt/scream thing until we either put him on the potty (he's been doing really well with potty training for quite a few months now) or bring him back to bed.  But he'll usually get out of bed right away again or 5-10 min later for about 30 min - 1 hour.  This is getting really bad b/c we aren't getting great sleep and Wyatt sometimes wakes up Gavin (they sleep in the same room)  He'll wake up at different times during the night (2am, 4am etc) and there doesn't seem to be any sort of usual time. 

Here's what his day looks like:
6-6:30 am - wake up, potty, eat good breakfast (oatmeal, toast, etc)
7 am-11:30 am - watch some tv, play, go outside if weather permits
11:30 am-12 pm - lunch
12 pm - 1:30 or 2pm - nap (if he even sleeps - usually give up after an hour or so (see above) )
2 pm-5:30 pm - play, outside, tv etc
5:30 pm - dinner
6:15 pm - bath
6:45 pm - brush teeth, book, sip of milk, kisses, hugs, tuck in
7 pm - bedtime (usually asleep by 8-8:15pm)
11:30 pm - gets put on potty and usually goes in his sleep/semi-awake state and then back to bed

So, we're at a loss as what to try with him.  He's extremely stubborn and strong willed and like I said above it seems like he would rather chop his own arm off then listen to us.  Threatening to take away things/put up the gate, etc and following through doesn't seem to work. (or it does work then he figures out a new way to push our buttons).  We've tried no naps, and that doesn't seem to work b/c he'll seem to go to sleep right away at night, but then wakes up multiple times during the night.  He's also grumpy and looks like a truck hit him by the afternoon.  Trying to get him to nap is turning into World War III in this house.   Should we try moving up his nap time or backing it up?  Is he having SA issues and GW method is needed?  We're at a loss and in need of some advice.  Thanks in advance! 

Offline dkjokisch

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Re: stubborn 27 month old bedtime battles/night!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 18:11:57 pm »
We have been having some of the same issues with dd, who is a bit older, but has a younger db who is now 6mos old.  I can't speak as much to the NWings as we haven't had too much trouble there.  She does wake at night sometimes, but they are generally isolated incidents.

First, with regard to naps, a wise BW once told me that when you encounter a stretch of no nap days, continue to put them down for naps daily regardless until they go for at least two straight weeks of no-napping.  In the process of dropping the nap entirely, they often through 2-3 no-nap phases, but if you stick with it, they start napping again after a week or so.  Dd probably naps 4-5 days out of 7 right now.  With regard to nap timing, if he's grizzly and not napping, I would try moving it up a bit.  If he's happy and just plays when you put him down for a nap, I would try moving nap a bit later.

As for bedtime, here are some things that worked for us...

1. On no-nap days, move bedtime up by an hour or so.
2. Decide how you want to change the bedtime experience and talk about it to him during the day.
3. While implementing changes, start the bedtime routine earlier to allow for some resistance but still get him to sleep at a reasonable hour.
4. Do your best to eliminate the 'one-mores' by addressing all of those needs during the bedtime routine and talk about the fact that this is last opportunity for drinks, potty, hugs, etc.  If you say it's the last one, stick to it, even if it means a few tears.  And FYI, he really shouldn't have more milk after his teeth are brushed as the milk sugars sit on his teeth all night.
5. Whoever is doing the tucking should have the other parent come in to say goodnight before your ds is in bed and the stalling starts.  I come in after tucking in ds for a hug and kiss while dh is reading stories with dd.  When I used to come say goodnight after dh was done and she was in bed, she would play us against one another.  I need one more hug from daddy and then daddy would come in and she'd need mommy.

I can't think what else we did right now, and ds is up, but hopefully others will have some suggestions for you.
#3 EDD 07/18/09
B 04/14/07 (ds)
M 01/13/05 (dd)