Hey all. So, Bella was doing really good since we switched to the rice milk and took all dairy out of her diet. Still waking 3-4 times a night but easily coaxed back to sleep. UNTIL LAST NIGHT............... went to bed a 7 p.m. and slept til 10 p.m. then up every 10-20 mins. til 5 this a.m. Screaming unless I was holding her, arching her back, the whole 9 yards.

I gave her tylenol (twice since it was a 7 hr. period of time), anbesol, mylicon drops (again twice) on the off chance it was her tummy. It was ear piercing the majority of the night. I have had a migraine for 3 days as I was carrying her up the bleachers at ds's football game & fell. Saved her but totally her my shoulder and opposite elbow (not to mention embarrass myself as a ton of people were behind me

) so, needless to say, my head is now beyond throbbing.
If I held her she was fine. If I put her down she screamed. I just tried to put her down for her a.m. nap and she fought it (of course, by screaming) for an hour. Standing up, hitting her head on bed, screaming, all over again. Tried wi/wo, pd, sitting in room and sorta ignoring her, I don't know what the prob is. She hasn't had a visit with biomom since last Wed. She's eating pretty good. I still think she drinks way too much, but I don't know if that has anything to do with anything. She may be teething. I think the rice milk may not be filling enough for her so we're going to try "lactose free" milk and if that goes back to her having a tummy ache then we'll go with the goat's milk. Maybe they're thicker or more "filling" for her.
I just don't know what to do and I feel like my head is going to burst. DH said he thinks it's SA as she claws at me to hold her. What do ya think? Someone please offer me some good advice. Does anyone have experience or knowledge of children exposed to drugs inutero & how that affects their sleep habits? Eventually when she goes to overnights & home to biomom I seriously fear for her safety becuz I'm very patient, have help, and pretty good coping skills, but it wears on me - badly. Her biomom has none of those skills and I can see her losing it.
Help me please. Wendee