Author Topic: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice  (Read 1427 times)

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9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:42:21 am »
Hi, i am new to this site and am after some help please, my youngest is 9 months and will not sleep thu the night, he will go to bed bout 7pm but then come midnight he is awake again plus more times in early hours, i have tryed to drop a bottle when he wakes up and started to give him juice instead but i have been doin this for a while now, does work sometimes but he be awake again in couple hours, sometimes i can not settle him back off so i give him a bottle, i am just wondering please if anyone has any advice on this.
  he has 4 bottles in the day plus he has his breakfast, lunch & dinner but he can be a pain in the backside with his solids, i find it hard for him to take much of it.
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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 10:54:38 am »
Hi & welcome :)

Could you please tell me what his daytime schedule looks like... how many naps, what time & how long. What time are the bottles & solid feeds.

Does he use a dummy/soother/paci? How does he go to sleep for naps & at bedtime (with a bottle or do you rock or does he go down independantly)


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Offline aifric

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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2007, 11:03:30 am »
Hi, thanks for the reply.
 He has a dummy, when he goes for naps i sometimes have to cuddle him or rub his face but if he is really tired he will go off by himself in his cot. he has a bottle before his bedtime by night.
 His rotine is
 normally awake by 6.30
7am 7oz bottle
8am breakfast
10am nap 1.5 - 2 hrs
12 bottle
1.30 lunch
2.30 nap
4.30 bottle
5.30 tea
6.30 bath
then 8pm he is in ber with a bottle before bed.
but he can be a monkey sometine to get him to take his foods.
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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2007, 11:22:23 am »
With solids, it could be that you are trying solids too close to the bottle feeds & he might need more time to get hungry for a full meal. So maybe try bottle just after he wakes in the morning, then just after the morning nap, afternoon nap & last one being before bedtime. Try solids about 1.5hrs after the bottle.

How long is the afternoon nap? Is it 2hrs long? This is the routine I would suggest:

6.30 - wakes
7am - bottle
8.30am - breakfast
9:30-11am - morning nap
11am - bottle
1pm - lunch
2-3.30 - afternoon nap
4pm - bottle
5.30 - dinner
7pm - bedtime

How have you tried to settle him at night (other than giving him a bottle)? I would actually stop using the bottle altogether for night wakings because it could be a prop & he is expecting it to get back to sleep. I am not sure if you have the BW book .... you might want to have a look at the pu/pd forum (you would use the pd technique to help him get back to sleep)

This is a cut & paste from the FAQ's on the pu/pd board"
8 MONTHS TO A YEAR - At this age you really don’t do any pick up as babies 8 months and up tend to soothe faster in the crib. 

·   You wait for them to stand up or pull up and then you place them back down so they are looking away from you and not at your face.
·   If you feel they are truly frantic and need more you can pick them up for a moment but you put them straight back down. 
·   At this age it’s important to use your voice even more.  Your baby will start to recognize what you are saying, eg. “I’m not  leaving you, you’re not alone, it’s nap time” etc. 
·   At this age you may need to pair pu/pd with gradual leaving of the room.  First you stay in the room until asleep, then move a few feet from the crib, in a few days you move to the door, then out the door. 

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

Offline aifric

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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2007, 11:31:42 am »
Thanks, i will try that, i have found it hard this time round as my oldest is 2 years old so there a close age gap it been hard to get it right.
  I have given him few mouthfuls of juice instead of bottle but done it while he is in his cot then sometimes he will go off fine but b awake again in couple hours. Ive tryed to leave him cry but he gets way too worked up. it hard to know what to do for the best, my oldest is the same for sleeping by night. ive got to the stage where i know it has all got to change, thanks.
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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2007, 11:42:21 am »
I have to go now (its 10pm here & dh is bugging me to get off the computer). I'll have a look at your post in the toddler forum.... & will try to help you out there too :)

It is very hard with 2 close in age (13.5months gap here)..... definitely alot harder with a toddler running around.

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Offline aifric

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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2007, 14:15:41 pm »
Gosh u were even braving than me then with the little age gap. What does dh mean? You will more than likely be fast asleep now. On one of my posts in the toddler bit, what happens when someone locks it? i wrote 2 as wasnt sure if the 1st one worked now someone replyed sayin theyve locked it.
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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2007, 21:40:37 pm »
Dh - dear husband. Here's a link to the acronums/abbreviations used on the site

Yes, mine are very close & Jasmine was a bit of an "oops" baby (not that I mind...I really love that they are so close in age & they are just now starting to have fun especially now that Jasmine is up & walking/running. Isabella is loving that!!! - she chases her all day long ;D)

One of your posts was locked because the other one worked so to keep all the answers to one post we usually lock double posts :)

So what I wanted to say is that I would probably stop the bottle (juice or not) & you don't need to let him cry until he works himself into a frenzie... I would do the pd method every night consistently for all the night wakings so that he learns that he needs to put himself back to sleep.

How did last night go?


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Offline aifric

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Re: 9 months and still waking by night, please any advice
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2007, 08:20:08 am »
Mornin, (well mornin here)    Kieran slept till bout 2am, he woke a couple times before for his dummy but he would not go off at this time so i tryed the juice but gave in by bottle but i made a 7oz bottle with only 30z milk, thought then it wont fill him up so much so he wont eat today, that is the problem i think why he is not eatin much but i will be good tonight by not giving him anything, it just hard cos it so tiring.
He had a bottle at 7 am then his breakfast at 8.30ish, he did very well with his breakfast. /He is wide awake now though (9.30) so i dont think he will go for a sleep. I goin to look at the page about eating as i am stuck for what to be giving him at the moment. Makes me laugh as you wouldnt think ive an older child but she was so much better for eating, would eat anything. Sorry for long reply. Thanks
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